UK State Terrorism Allegations: A Detailed Account

We have received quite a bit of interesting, made-up information.

So, to that effect, everything you are about to read in this statement is the truth from state terror survivors and defenseless failed, preventing radicalization programming victims. This is aimed at tackling the real cause, not the energy, raising the alarm, and making it known nationally and internationally that her terrorist, authoritarian British government and its sponsored, miserable, out-of-touch-with-reality, insane, politicized security and the complicit public servant death cult forces that both have low regard for others (children, individuals, and groups), their lives and freedom. They think of themselves as being very special and unique and look at others as being beneath them, with an occult type of authoritarian, perfunctory style of communication, thinking, and acting. They are continuously involved in countless, grave, brutal offenses that appeal to the sense of duty, obedience, and safety to the British public and the ethnic minority groups that are refusing it at the expense of their personal, God-given lives and freedom. Please note, if that is something you would be interested in reading, I kindly invite you to take a good read, and I hope that you find my statement quite beneficial.

This Truth Statement with its Scientific Evidence

This truth statement, with its scientific evidence, will make them naked and expose the UK government-sponsored ethnic and religious media violence, medical tyranny, and ethnic and religious persecutions’ true colors. It is targeting mostly the UK minority communities and also its own. It will also expose the UK’s filthy ethnic cleansing that amounts to genocide, with a personal message to my family’s oppressor and to the Muslim and non-Muslim community leaders, MPs, religious leaders, lawyers, doctors, judges, students, armed forces, members of the public, Met Police, national and international human rights defenders, councils, and independent news agents.


  • 1. What is state terrorism non-stop?
  • 2. Torture tools and tactics: Skin of the bone.
  • 3. Art of murder.
  • 4. Project Fear.

Why, you criminals, when we talk, or when we don’t agree, or when we expose your crimes, do you go running, using the media and language of threats and terror? Why do you start bringing out your online flies and Islamophobic articles, blaming and shaming, and also getting the state-sponsored public organizations involved and spy agencies? One time it is the BBC, the other is the Met Police, or MI5, or MI6, or the army, to scare the public.

We want an answer. We want clarification. We want an article. And by way of this, to this day, no one is sued or brought to justice. Why have you not yet charged me with whatever? Are you waiting for me to fall into your bloody hands and pass me over to your best mates overseas? You know what I’m saying is the truth. I’m here. What are you waiting for? I will bring my evidence.

Anyone that took part in this cleansing needs to be brought to questioning and justice: the head of the state, Met Police, MI6, MI5, NHS, councils.

All terror attacks, Prevent referrals, kids taken, Muslims killed in the street or elsewhere, Muslims denied medical treatment and education, made-up charges, Muslims in the richest prisons, deportations—all need to be questioned and come out to the public nationally and internationally, inviting the victims to give their account.

Also, from now on, if you don’t bring concrete evidence that is reviewed by non-government, independent, international lawyers, available to the public, against the UK Muslims, accusing them of terror offenses or made-up charges—not your state-sponsored BBC, or ITV, or Channel 4, or your Daily Mail, etc., the flying monkeys that love to cling to their victims’ identity and hide the truth with more lies to cover more lies until it becomes this intricate spider web of lies that you are now tangled in—we know what we know, and we can’t unsee what we’ve seen, and we can’t unhear what we’ve heard. And all that we’re going through, we are sure you are so tangled in that web of lies you don’t know your way out.

Are you just going to project and eject, cut bait and run, or are you going to hover, then go, thinking that you are going to lose the supply because you got caught?! Also, to let you know that your love-bombing is nothing unless actions support it. We will not get caught in that cycle all over again. You have underestimated us, the targets, intelligence claiming yourselves to be superior and us inferior or even stupid. Well, that superiority is your kryptonite.

And any opposition that is speaking on behalf of Muslims needs to put down their passport, house keys, and bank cards, and stop doing the headless chicken dance, and come out to the public to fight this cleansing and call it by its name. Any soft, nonsense talk will not be taken seriously, and instead, you will be dancing to their nonsense tune. It is either to be or not to be.