Uncle Bin Flores: A Baghdad Storyteller’s Adventures

Uncle Bin Flores: A Baghdad Storyteller’s Adventures

Florentino’s uncle took a great blow to the head. He will put on a turban bandage like a doctor, and from then on, he asks his three children, Tomaxito, Inazio, and Love, to call him Uncle Bin Flores. All three are converted. Uncle Bin Flores tells them a part of the story each day, surprising the audience. In fact, Uncle Bin Flores, with his turban, will be included in a paper about Baghdad storytelling.

And the story of how once there was a Caliph who had problems sleeping at night. One night, dressed up, he was off the streets of Baghdad. The Caliph finds a home by chance, where he will know the stories surrounded by two men, who tell them to a young man. This young man leads them to the back of a box, and they found the owner who wants the box because it brings luck. And his new adversity to the Caliph, the audience will give the two men the responsibility of finding the owner of the box. A great adventure will be included in the search for the box. Through them, we discover Kasim, the real owner of the box, and how he became the owner of the box, and how the box is lost.

While the head of Uncle Bin Flores with the turban is chained, he has the capacity to tell many adventures. But what will happen on the day Uncle Bin Flores heals?

Parts of Uncle Bin Flores

  • “Florentino-Uncle? Do not call me that anymore, why? I am not Florentino’s uncle, I am Uncle Bin Flores, a famous friend of Abu Nuas, the favorite storyteller of Baghdad.”
  • Mother Teresa is very concerned about Florentino’s uncle. “Since the fall from the stairs, the doctor said that when her husband came home at noon, it would relieve the patient’s head. I do not know what to do. He believes he is a storyteller from Baghdad with a bandage on his head, and he gets into every corner instead of that.”
  • “Once upon a time,” said the uncle, “there was a powerful Caliph in a big city called Baghdad, and the Caliph was called Harun al-Rashid.”
  • The Caliph had never heard such beautiful poetry or enjoyed the music so much. He realized that it was the middle of the night. The first century, which was long enough to hold them in the middle of the night, was now faster than lightning. “Tales end with songs and poems,” said Abu Nuas.
  • “Cape ships passing through the area need a lighthouse. I asked for money, Caliph, and I do not deny it. My word is the next Caliph. You will have the money to keep the fire, and believe me, that way, I will be responsible for maintaining the award fire for six months from now: 200 dinars.”
  • “-Save? Did I save you if you condemn me? The box is mine! Did I save you? Then you are aware of the box?” My father had repeated these words with rage, with great reach and power of the box. “Once aware of the box, and then further to see the stage and the stage of man.”
  • One day, at dusk on the sea cliffs, someone shouted, “Thief, thief!” The path down the cliffs was plundered. Then, arriving at the beach, into the sea, among the waves. From inside the sea, someone had stolen something from behind as if they were swimming. I did not see more.
  • “Take the box back, and I will go from village to village. I will tell all the history of my country. I know a man who is taken to the sea as his successor, I will box, and I’ll be free again, I’ll be myself again.”
  • Love, Inazio, and Tomaxito are totally excited about the dramatic history that Florentino’s uncle has told them. They are completely surprised by the tragedy of the man with the box and want to know everything about him.
  • “-I do not know that their uncle did not relieve himself,” Mother Teresa said to the doctor. “He has been silent. He began to tell strange stories recently, and…”
    “-Stories?” Ebaristo said loudly, “This is the best remedy! Telling stories on the bay. His head is clearly better, and this is very good at healing this kind of trauma. Let’s see, you, the children, will you come to listen to his stories every day?”
  • Harun al-Rashid was tempted by two men who had worked towards the palace while he was bowling. Abu asked the Caliph if he liked the poem. “Let us save the Caliph,” said Abdala, the white-haired man, “but if that causes a bit of abuse when Abu Nuas is deaf, many times he has reported injustice to his palace, and I have never been able to deliver him my complaints. The deaf cannot speak and is left as is, or worse…”
  • “The bank will find the real owner of the work,” the Caliph told them. “You are now hidden in my ear and my eye researcher. Go to Baghdad, go to my territories or boundaries, or the rest of the world, but you can cause this problem, help the young man with the box.”
  • “I will tell you my secret,” Petronila told Tomaxito quietly. “I do not want Florentino’s uncle to remove the turban. I’m sure I’ll forget the accounts if Kasim were removed, and I want to know how this story ends.”
  • The captain asked me what happened. “You go,” and immediately began a murmur among most sailors, and they said, “We will not take the treasure box. Look around here, and we will be rich.” And they forgot about the ship repairs, searching for treasure and passing the hours and hours… “Then, they were angry with each other: ‘You mean you know where it is and not us, you only want it for yourself.’ Wrath was worse, and some fifteen years later, some were killed by others, some disappeared, and some went mad. Hunger and disease led to some of the others, and finally, we were only four.”
  • Kasim was counted for the third time in his life in a short period: the first in Basra’s docks, then in front of the Caliph, and then the third time in a dark room.
  • “This is a surprising story,” said the Caliph, Harun al-Rashid. “What will be read by anyone studying the ends of sesame seeds on top of a needle if it is written. But we know the history, I ruled, answer this question before: those who have experienced life after all, what is valuable that opens?”