Understanding Adaptation, Intelligence, and Thought Processes

Adapting and adjusting to new situations and experiences is crucial. The variability of responses and the concept of adaptation are important. Animals, whose psychic life allows their central nervous system to function, are adapted by instinct and do not have to learn.

Sustained Capacity

Sustained capacity to meet: attention, the degree of tension, strengthens our consciousness. The feeble-minded lacks the necessary mental strength to focus and attend. Any effort, however small, is tiring. The intellectual can focus on a problem that requires a solution for a long time.

Critical Self-Critical Spirit

Critical self-critical spirit. Criticizing bears some negative connotations: a critical state or situation involves examining the downside of something, putting a reality to a negative test. It is a sign of intellectual maturity and vitality. One who lacks a critical mind accepts everything without question. They see the difficulties, the nuances, the pros and cons of any situation. An important aspect is self-criticism, which is seeing the weak side of oneself. This allows you to overcome the pleasure principle and keep improving knowledge to comply, achieving substantial autonomy and self-control.

Mental Agility

Mental agility is a feature of intellectual work. It involves finding a satisfactory response as quickly as possible to minimize the time of doubt, perplexity, and hesitation in reflection. This is what distinguishes the intelligent from the sometimes clumsy. There are persons endowed with extraordinary mental agility, while slow minds, stronger and deeper, succeed in science and speculative thought.

Control Emotions

The intelligence, usefulness, and effectiveness are tested in everyday life.

Intelligence and Higher Thought Processes

Notion of Thought

The notion of thought is a difficult term to define. It comes from the Latin word pensare, which means weighing, and thinking is associated with reason, rational thinking, or logical thinking. Related terms are understanding and intelligence. We understand human ability to think as a balance (seeing the pros and cons of something), to understand (to know something), to judge (to say and assess what something is), and understanding (of covering it comprehensively). Furthermore, due to thinking, we can argue and explain a process or object. Do not identify thinking and reason.

The Concept of Reflection

Reflection is the ability of man to return to their own acts of consciousness and knowledge and realize that it is aware and knows. Man realizes that he feels, perceives, that effects abstractions, that means, think reasonable. From all this you realize, you know the man. And clearly distinguishes between the object and the image he meets the object. There is a spontaneous reflection based on the actual activity of our psyche and rarely become conscious and explicit reflection qie is the act of reflecting intelligence wondering about our way of knowing. The purpose of reflection is to distinguish reality from appearances which are often false or at least misleading.

Logical Functions of Thought

Thought is a power function and as such works on concepts or ideas. The main functions are logical and psychological design, judging, and reasoning.

  • The Design: The first operation provides the matter of knowledge. Thinking is thinking of concepts or ideas. But a single concept by itself does not constitute thought or knowledge as there is no assertion or denial, neither truth nor falsity, or opinion, trial, or understanding.
  • The Judge: Trial is a term often used. Ratio equals sanity; to be sane is to have gone mad. The term comes from the Latin judicium, trial judge action. If we take the logic of balancing stands trial intelligible and thinking. This operation consists in linking concepts, images, or ideas, which are the simplest elements.
  • Reasoning: Reasoning is a more complex operation consisting of linking lawsuits. It stands to argue. Thanks to reasoning, we can go from the known to the unknown, following one of two processes: induction, where we go from the particular to the universal, or deduction, where we go from universal to particular. The reasoning has another function: to integrate the various elements in a system. Rational psychology is a science organization, and the same can decr all the other sciences which have one side common principles and other principles peculiar.