Understanding Body Posture and Preventing Sports Injuries


Body posture covers a wide range of concepts, habits, and attitudes that are manifested in our daily lives. It includes social aspects, aesthetics, and health. While the correction and solution to problems and postural diseases require specific therapeutic or surgical measures, other aspects depend on the individuals themselves. Due to the sedentary lifestyle in our society today, prevention of incorrect postures that produce alterations and pains in us have great relevance.

The Concept of Body Posture

The term body posture is broad and ambiguous. To define it, we must know and distinguish three basic concepts: Position, Posture, and Attitude. Body posture can be defined as the symmetric and proportional alignment of the whole body or body segment in relation to the axis of gravity.

Correct Posture

Correct posture models muscles, joints, and body segments based on scientific and anatomic principles. In a standing position, the correct model posture is determined by observing the person from four positions: front, left side, right side, and back. It is necessary to be as close as possible to this standard to achieve maximum effectiveness of the body with minimal tension and stiffness of the body as well as small energy expenditure.

Non-recommended Exercises

Certain exercises have negative effects because they increase the risk of injury over the medium and long term. We should not confuse the absence of pain while performing physical exercises with the fact that it is safe since the damage in most cases occurs over a period of time.

Common Running Injuries

Most running injuries are classed as overuse injuries which tend to build up over a period of time. This is due to the repetitive nature of the sport.

Common Basketball Injuries

Most basketball-related injuries are strains, sprains, or contusions. The most frequently injured area is the ankle, followed by the knee.