Understanding Cardinal Directions and Earth’s Surface

It is essential to know orientation in space and time. Not only is it enough to know where we want to go, but it is also necessary to correctly locate the place on a globe, map, or plan. To teach a child to be oriented on the ground, we must have a thorough knowledge of these concepts.

Cardinal Directions

North and South exist because they are the ends of the imaginary axis of the Earth. The East and West exist because the Earth rotates from west to east.

Points or Directions of the Compass

When we look around us in an open space, we see a circle where the sky and earth seem to merge. This circle is the horizon, which identifies 32 points that allow us to orient ourselves in space. The Middle East is where we are looking, i.e., the source of the Sun. In the circle of the horizon, the four cardinal points correspond to the ends of two lines that intersect at right angles, and give rise to the compass or the winds, which are distinguished by 32 directions, i.e., addresses that allow us bearings.


A major circle can be drawn into the area. It determines when an area is divided exactly in half by a plane passing through its center; the intersection of the plane with the sphere gives us one more circle.

Small Circle

They are smaller circles, caused by planes that cut the field without going through its center. We need a thorough knowledge of the properties of circles and children, because they relate to basic issues such as the meridians, parallels, seasons, and projections. These properties are:

  • Whenever a plane passes through the center of a sphere, it determines a great circle, regardless of the orientation of the plane.
  • A great circle is the largest circle that can be drawn on the surface of a sphere.
  • For two given points on the surface of a sphere, a great circle passes and only one, except that the two points are opposite, in which case infinite great circles can be drawn passing through them.
  • If a great circle intersects another, it is divided into two semicircles.


The meridians are maximum semicircles whose ends coincide with the North and South Poles. A meridian is half a great circle (measured 180°). Other features are:

  • All meridians follow the north-south direction.
  • The meridians have their maximum separation in Ecuador and converge towards a point at each pole.
  • On the globe, an infinite number of meridians can be traced; for each point on the globe, there is a meridian. However, on maps and globes, only meridians that are selected to be equidistant are represented.


The parallels are less complete circles formed by planes parallel to Ecuador, which cut the Earth into two unequal parts, except for Ecuador. They have the following characteristics:

  • All parallels are smaller circles, except Ecuador, which is a great circle.
  • All the parallels are in the East-West direction.
  • They are always parallel to each other. Although circular lines, they maintain a constant separation.
  • The parallels intersect the meridians at right angles, except at the poles.
  • Infinite parallels can be drawn on the globe. Therefore, any point, except the North and South Poles, is located on a parallel.