Understanding Common Ailments: Flu, Asthma, and Pain Management

Understanding Common Ailments

Amylase, breaking down, trachea, breastbone, ascending, gall, store, pushed, valves, churns, pushed, heartburn, lining.

Around stomach/right side/Headache Forehead between the eyes/Left arm spreads/shoulder-arm

Pain Descriptors:

  • P1: Burning/constant/severe/stays the same
  • P2: Occasional/dull, mild, slight pain/getting better
  • P3: Throbbing/occasional/severe/getting worse
  • P4: Shooting/frequent/severe, agonizing/getting worse

Pain Assessment:

  • Time of Onset: 3 days ago
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Site/Location: At the back of the head / stiff neck
  • Radiation: No
  • Type of Pain: Severe / constant / quite strong / annoying
  • Alleviating Factors: No
  • Aggravating Factors: In the morning, bending over
  • Previous Episodes: No
  • Triggering Factors: When she was having lunch / at the gym
  • Medication: Panadol/Neurofen
  • Effects on Life: She stopped going to the gym / cancelled a dinner / took time off at work
  • Accompanying Symptoms: Collapse / vomits

Understanding the Flu

  1. How does the flu virus spread? When you touch a surface and then your mouth – it’s in the air. If you don’t wash your hands, you can cough/sneeze or touch the surface and infect other people.
  2. What are the symptoms of flu? Congestion, sore throat (dolor de garganta), cough, fever/chills, tired, sneeze.
  3. What is the meaning of ILI? Influenza-like illness – fever + sore throat or fever + cough.
  4. How do doctors confirm the diagnosis for the influenza virus? With a nasopharyngeal swab.

Keywords: Sick, sneezes, coughs, breath, droplets, hygiene, spread, cells, congestion, sore throat, lung, chills, miserable, runny nose, cough, illness, test, swab, lab, clinical.

Understanding Asthma

  • Asthma is a condition that can be cured – False, it’s a chronic condition.
  • What happens to the airways during an asthma attack? (two things) – Narrows and swells.
  • What does the windpipe branch into? – 2 large bronchi.
  • Which structure protects the lungs? – The ribcage.
  • What is the meaning of the term ‘atopic’? – An allergic-type reaction.
  • Name two external triggers mentioned in the video – Pollen, smoking, chest infections, animal fur, anxiety, stress, dust mites.
  • What happens to the muscles around the airways during an asthmatic attack? – They contract.
  • Which substance is produced from the lining of the airways? – Mucus.
  • What levels of symptoms are mentioned in the video? – Mild, Moderate, severe, and life-threatening.
  • In which two ways can the narrowing of the airways be reversed? Trigger is removed – Inflammation is treated medically.

Keywords: Cured, swell, windpipe, ribcage, irritated, atopic, pollen, stress, contract, wheezing, coughing, severe, inflammation, treatment, acute.

Ibuprofen and Health: Research Findings

The study involved 146,000 female health professionals.

Researchers found that taking Ibuprofen regularly had an effect.

Regular users were defined as those who took 1 or 2 pills of Ibuprofen 2 or more times per week.

Patients who took aspirin also noted a positive effect, but aspirin didn’t work.

Dr. Ascheiro does not recommend that the millions of people with PD should start taking the minimal dose as soon as possible.

PD is a rare disease.

One of the adverse effects of Ibuprofen use is increased risk of stomach, kidney, neurological problems.

Dr. Ascheiro now wants to carry out more research.