Understanding Communication: Types, Process, and Business

The Nature of Communication

Communication is fundamental to the evolution of human societies, enabling the exchange of information and interaction. It’s a process where two or more people connect to transmit and share information.

Types of Communication

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication involves transmitting messages through words, either:

  • Oral: Using spoken words.
  • Written: Using written words.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication includes all messages transmitted without spoken words, playing a crucial role in face-to-face interactions.

Elements of the Communication Process

Effective communication, whether oral or written, involves key elements:

  • Sender: The person transmitting the message.
  • Receiver: The person receiving the message.
  • Message: The content of the communication.
  • Code: The system of signs or symbols used to convey the message.
  • Channel: The physical means through which the message is transmitted.
  • Support: The medium containing the information.

The Communication Process

The communication process is a two-way action that develops through these stages:

Message Elaboration

The sender shapes the idea to be communicated, ensuring the message is understandable using a common code (language, signs).

Message Transmission

The sender conveys the message to the receiver.

Message Uptake

The receiver receives the message. Noise or interference can alter or prevent transmission. The receiver interprets the message based on their experience and knowledge, a process called decoding. This is known as unidirectional communication.


If the receiver responds, the communication becomes bidirectional. The receiver becomes the sender, and the original sender becomes the new receiver.

Communication in Business

Businesses rely on effective communication, both internally and externally.

Internal Communication

Internal communication occurs between departments and members within the organization. Its main objective is to ensure good relations and high motivation among employees.

External Communication

External communication aims to create a positive corporate image and promote products and services. It includes advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling.