Understanding Complex Vocabulary: Definitions and Insights
Posted on Nov 18, 2024 in Law & Jurisprudence
Colorful Vocabulary Insights
- Recant: Go back on, repudiate
- ABOCA (SE): Cast; provide; arrimar, engage
- ABRASIVES: Overheating
- Abruptly: Cliff, ordinary
- Absorbed: Shocked, stunned
- Abstruse: Incomprehensible, impenetrable
- Cur: Creeping, servile, despicable, disgusting, unworthy
- Access Road
- ACCESSORY: Ornamental
- Stalk: Monitor
- Refined: Debugging
- ACQUIS: Acid, violent
- Asiago: Funesto
- Acicate: Encouragement
- Acrimony: Acidity
- ACUSIAR: Pushing
- ADEPT: Adherent
- Garnish: Arrange
- ADUC: Impose
- Stern: Stern
- AGAPE: Feast
- Cower: Hiding
- ANC: Craving
- AHIT: Bored
- ALEVE: Treacherous
- Algida: Maximum
- ALTIVO: Haughty
- Amaina: Calm
- Discouraged (SE): Cow
- Amphibology: Ambiguity
- Animosity: Disaffection
Additional Vocabulary Terms
- Anodyne: Vapid, superficial
- Annihilate (SE): Humiliate, confuse
- Apocryphal: Adulterated
- Pressure: Need
- Apprehension: Distrust
- Acquiescence: Assent
- Arbitrariness: Tyranny
- Stratagem: Trick
- Argues: Replicate
- AT: Enrapture
- Ascetic: Hermit
- Siege: Fencing
- ASEPSIS: Hygiene
- Statement: Statement
- ASIR: Grasping
- ATAVICAS: Traditional, hereditary
- Warm (SE): Cushion
- Ater (SE): Frosting
- Fanning: Excite
- Afflict (SE): Distress
- ENDORSE: Credit
- AVERSION: Dislike
- Avez: Accustomed
- Davies: Irregular
- Avizor: Observe
- AZORES (SE): Unnerve
- BALDI: Sterile
- TRIVIAL: Regular
- BASTION: Trench
- BASTO: Gross
- BIRLA: Steal
- BOAT: Luxury
- CANDOR: Innocence
- CANON: Standard
- ZEAL: Devotion
- CIMENT: Found
- Circunloquio: Digression
- CISMA: Disunity, rebelliousness
- Claudic: Submit
- Colleagues: Derive
- COLLUSION: Alliance
- COMPLEXION: Body, character
- Concupiscence: Sensuality, greed
- GUESS: Hypothesis
- Includes: Lead, deal
- CALLS: Intimidate
- Commiseration: Pity
- Appeasement: Compromise, tolerate
- CONTINENCE: Domain, purity
- Contrite: Shot
- Conspiracy: Concubinage, conspiracy
- CONTEMPT: Rebellion
- Crapule: Corruption
- Cruenta: Bloody, brutal
- Whistleblower: Betrayal
- Despicable: Delicate
- Revile: Offend, curse
- Courage: Courage, guts
- REGRET: Grieve
- Unease: Forward
- Roughed: Instruct
- Disdainfully: Look down
- DROPOUT: Resignation
- Neglect: Laziness
- Unveiling (SE): Show, awakening
- STOP: Usurp, seize
- Detractors: Denigrated
- DROPOUT: Resignation
- Neglect: Laziness
- Devel: Show, awakening
- STOP: Usurp
- Detractors: Disgraced and offender
- PREJUDICE: Damage, injury
- DIATRIBA: Attack, censorship
- Tithe: Harm
- DELAY: Delay
- LINTEL: Doorframe
- DISCERN: Discrimination, including
- DÍSCOLO: Rebellious
- Dissolute: Depraved
- DISQUISITION: Discussion
- DETER: Away, discouraging
- FOLD: Elbow, ambiguity
- DOLO: Deception, fraud, scam
- Egregio: Famous
- ELOQUENCE: Oratory
- EMBARGOED: Hold, seize
- Upright: Erect, upright, vertical
- Ensan (SE): Indignant
- EQUITY: Equity, fairness
- Terse: Bare
- Scrawny: Emaciated, exhausted
- SPORADIC: Rare, isolated
- Inadequate: Petty, small
- Expires: Death, end
- Contestability: Conquer, subdue
- Exultation: Happy, joy
- Faction: Side, guerrilla
- Foreign visitor: Abroad
- STATIC: Noisy
- FRUGAL: Moderate
- Fruition: Enjoy
- Whipped: Punish, tease
- Futile: Pointless, insignificant
- FARM (SE): Forthcoming, conquer
- Overcrowding (SE): Agglomerate, together
- Hegemony: Dominance, superiority
- Hesitate: Hesitating, confused
- Stoneface: Sacred, mysterious, serious
- Hilarious: Funny
- Hirsuta: Tangled, rough
- HOLLAR: Kick, trample
- Umbu (SE): Infiltrate, encourage, learn to assimilate
- Entreat: To obtain, beg
- INVOLVE (SE): Committing, include
- Malediction: Blasphemy, condemnation
- IMPUNITY: Inulto, with impunity
- Unheard of: Incredible, bizarre
- Unwary: Simple, innocent
- BEGINNINGS: Initial, nascent, novice
- Unwavering: Irrefutable, unquestionable
- Unfailing: Safe, foolproof, indispensable
- HARMLESS: Healthy, uninjured
- INDUCE: Lead, incite
- Ineffable: Wonderful, inexplicable
- Inevitable: Inevitable
- Unequivocal: Undoubted, indisputable
- Defenseless: Abandoned, helpless
- Inexcusable: Inexcusable, forced
- INEXORABLE: Cruel, hard, indisputable
- Impregnable: Invincible, unbeatable
- Infaust: Unfortunate
- INTIMATE: Implementation, punish
- IMPASSABLE: Steep, difficult
- BREACH: Rape, violation
- Airs: Pride, presumption
- Enormous: Vast, infinite
- INEQUALITY: Perversity, arbitrariness