Understanding Computer Networks: Types and Components

Computer Networks

A computer network is a set of interconnected computers designed to share information, resources, and services.

Network Types by Scope

  • Local Area Network (LAN): Limited scope, typically less than 2 km.
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): Covers a wider area, usually less than 100 km.
  • Wide Area Network (WAN): Scope extends over 100 km.

Advantages of Networking

  • Sharing: Enables sharing of data, hardware, and software.
  • Reduced Costs: Maximizes the price/performance ratio of network elements.
  • Connectivity: Allows computers to send information through the network.
  • Distributed Processing: Computers can collaborate to solve problems more effectively.
  • Availability and Reliability: If a resource or system service fails, it can be transferred to another computer.
  • Data Rate: Facilitates fast communication between computers.
  • Flexibility: Easily incorporate new equipment and network devices.

Components of a Local Area Network

  • Servers: High-end computers dedicated to servicing the network, managed by network administrators.
  • Workstations: Computers used by networked users for daily work.
  • Peripherals: Devices that communicate with the network to provide or receive services (e.g., printers, scanners).
  • Physical Means of Transmission: The methods by which computers are connected to the network (e.g., cables, 2.4 GHz waves).
  • Interconnection Elements: Hardware elements that allow computers to access the physical means of interconnection.
  • Interconnection Protocols: The rules governing the operation and communication of equipment on the network.
  • Network Software: Manages interconnection elements through networking protocols, enabling users to work with network shares.

Network Technologies

  • Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11): A system for sending data over a network via radio waves.
  • Ethernet (IEEE 802.3): An information exchange system via a wired physical medium shared by multiple computers.

Network Addressing

  • Physical Address (MAC Address): Medium Access Control address, consisting of 6 pairs of hexadecimal digits, used for sending data frames within the same network segment.
  • Logical Address (IP Address): Internet Protocol address, used for communication across the entire network, regardless of the network segment. Consists of 4 bytes ranging from 0 to 255.

Network Structures

  • Domain: A set of computers that are part of a network and that trust user administration privileges to a server (domain controller).
  • Workgroup: Nomenclature used by Windows systems for peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.

Elements of Wireless Networks

  • Wireless Network Card: Acts as a network interface between the computer and the access point.
  • Access Point: Receives data sent through radio waves.
  • Software: Configures the wireless network card and access points.
  • Security Protocols: Ensure the integrity and confidentiality of transmissions.

Wireless Network Security

  • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): Encryption based on the RC4 algorithm, using 64 or 128-bit keys.
  • WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access): Also uses the RC4 algorithm but includes improvements to prevent attacks.
  • WPA2: A revision of WPA that uses the AES algorithm, enhancing security.

Parameters of a Wireless Network

  • ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier): The name of the wireless network.
  • Hide ESSID: Option to hide the ESSID, making the network invisible to other users.
  • Channel ID: The frequency used for communication between devices and the access point.
  • Encryption Protocol: The type of security used to encrypt transmissions.
  • Password: The password used to encrypt the transmitted information.
  • RTS/CTS Threshold: Specifies how often devices must obtain permission from the access point to send information.
  • Fragmentation Threshold: The maximum packet size before fragmentation by the access point.