Understanding Computers: Types, Elements, and Languages
What is a Mainframe Computer?
A mainframe computer is a high-capacity system designed for intensive computational tasks. Mainframes typically have multiple users connected through terminals. The most powerful mainframes, called supercomputers, perform very complex and time-consuming calculations.
What is a Microcomputer?
A microcomputer is a device, such as a laptop, that uses a microprocessor as its central processing unit (CPU). Common microcomputers include PCs, home computers, and computers for small businesses.
Elements of a Computer
Hardware is the equipment used to operate a computer. It refers to the physical components of a computer system. The function of these components is usually divided into three main categories: input, output, and storage. These components are connected through wires or circuits.
Computer Languages
In computing, any artificial language can be used to define a sequence of instructions for processing by a computer. It is generally assumed that the translation of instructions to a code the computer understands must be completely consistent. Usually, the computer performs the translation.
Types of Languages
Machine Language
Machine language is the language of the computer itself, based on the binary system or machine code. It is difficult for people to use. The developer must enter each command and data in binary form. Even a simple operation, such as comparing the contents of a register with data in memory, can be complex.
Low-Level Language
At a low level, microprocessors only process binary electronic signals. Giving an instruction to a microprocessor involves sending a series of ones and zeros over time in a particular way. This signal sequence is called machine code. The code typically represents data, numbers, and instructions to manipulate them.
High-Level Language
High-level languages typically use English terms like LIST
, or OPEN
to represent sequences of tens or hundreds of machine-language instructions. Commands are entered from the keyboard, a memory-resident program, or a storage device and are intercepted by a program that translates them into machine language instructions.
Pascal is a high-level, general-purpose programming language, meaning it can be used to write programs for scientific and commercial purposes.
Example: Sorting Program; This program reads a natural number and a sequence of N characters from standard input, constructs an index to sort from lowest to highest, and prints out the ordered sequence.
Basic is a high-level language that consists of instructions that humans can relate to and understand. The QBasic compiler translates it into machine language.
A byte is a unit of computer information consisting of 8 bits. It is the equivalent of a single character, such as a letter, number, or punctuation mark. Because a byte represents only a small amount of information, memory and storage are usually indicated in kilobytes (1,024 bytes) or megabytes (1,048,576 bytes).