Understanding Consumer Behavior: Psychology Principles

Psychology and Consumer Behavior

Psychology: The study of human behavior and its bodily manifestations, conscious or unconscious.

Social behaviors (we all align similarly). Bodily behavior.

Unconscious Behaviors

Unconscious behaviors: These are drives (unexpected), obsessive behaviors or routines, and needs arising from the unconscious.


Psychoanalysis: Describes certain behaviors at a conscious or unconscious level.

Oedipus Complex

Describes the birth of personality.

Marketing will lack emotional connection without understanding these principles.


Introjection: An unconscious behavior where one identifies with certain features of another person, making them their own, which generates identity.

For introjection to work:

  • We must identify the individual consumer.
  • We must identify the subject being introjected.
  • The product characteristics act as the nexus between the two.


Projection: Placing my personality traits onto others.

Example: Caribbean images.

Defense Mechanisms

Mechanisms of defense: Ways to tolerate or deflect something that affects us negatively, drawing attention away from it.


Regression: A defense mechanism where we return to earlier stages of life, seeking protection.

The aim is to develop a product personality that is welcoming, friendly, and gentle.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  • Self-Realization
  • Esteem
  • Affiliation and social affections (friendliness)
  • Security and protection (security alarms, insurance plans, life insurance) – avoiding physical and emotional damage.
  • Physiological (basic needs: feeding, hygiene, shelter, commodities like bread).


Motivation: An energy or impulse to do something. For motivation to occur, there should be a prior need.

Need –> Motivation –> Action (satisfaction and dissatisfaction)

External Motivation

Motivated by something to be recognized externally (e.g., studying law for status).

Internal Motivation

Appeals to a very personal need (e.g., studying law because one has always loved it).

Color Psychology

Blue: Dependence, inspires respect, authority (Bank of Chile, Viceroy, IBM). Relates to natural dairy products, light items.

Red: Attitude, strength, action, passion, maturity (Coca-Cola). Associated with stopping, precautions, sensuality, and femininity.

Yellow: Vitality, gives energy, movement, youth, warmth (Lipton). Neutral color for babies, safety, spring-summer season.

Green: Nature, healthy, ecological, peace (Limon Soda). Safety, recycling, a good work environment, money, good luck.

White: Purity, peace, goodness, hygiene (OMO). Associated with religion, cleaning, insurance, health.

Black: Technically elegant, status, satisfaction, power, authority (Compac, FBI, HP). High-tech electronics, fashionable clothes, power, bad luck.

Physiological Reaction to Color

Physiological reaction: The effect of an external stimulus produces a perception that generates a reaction within us.

Building Social Consensus on Color

Building social consensus: The definition, history, and culture we give a color through social interaction.


Attitude: A person’s common stock. A learned predisposition that causes a person to behave in a certain way towards an object or situation.

  • Perception
  • Type of thinking
  • Emotions