Understanding Customer Types and Commercial Contracts
A customer is a person or company involved in a commercial transaction.
Client Classes
According to Distribution Chain
- Wholesale Customers
- Retail Customers
- Late Clients
According to Product Relation
- Impulsive Customers: Customers with no specific brand preference, choosing the first option available.
- Reflective Customers: Customers who spend time considering the purchase, focusing on value for money.
- Money-Conscious Customers: Customers prioritizing the lowest price.
- Emotional Customers: Customers with strong brand loyalty.
According to Purchase Frequency
- Leads: Potential future customers.
- Faithful Clients: Customers consistently purchasing the same product.
- Occasional Clients: Customers making infrequent purchases.
After-Sales Service
Service provided by the seller post-transaction.
Supplier Research and Selection
Begins with market research to identify and evaluate potential suppliers based on quality, price, and service.
- Locate suppliers through various channels (TV, radio, internet, etc.).
- Contact suppliers to request information on quality, price, warranty, etc.
- Assess and choose suppliers based on a comparative analysis.
Commercial Contracts
A verbal or written agreement obligating parties to perform specific actions or services.
Contract Classes
By Form
- Verbal: Formalized through spoken words.
- Written: Documented in writing.
By Legal Regulation
- Typical: Governed by specific laws and commercial codes.
- Atypical: Created by the parties, not conforming to standard legal contracts.
By Record
- Public: Contracts written with notary intervention.
- Private: Contracts between individuals, formalized in writing or orally.
By Applicable Law
- Civil: Contracts between non-traders or entrepreneurs.
- Commercial: Contracts between merchants and businesses.
- Administrative: Contracts related to public administration.
- Labor: Contracts concerning workers in a company.
By Party Strength
- Equalitarian Contracts: Terms negotiated and agreed upon by both parties.
- Adhesive Contracts: Terms set by one party, accepted or rejected by the other.
Sales Contracts
Obligates one party to deliver goods and the other to pay a fair price.
- Material Elements: Subject (goods delivery) and Price (monetary value).
- Personal Elements: Buyer (receives goods) and Seller (delivers goods).
Seller’s Obligations
- Conserve and safeguard the goods.
- Deliver within the agreed time and place.
- Provide guarantees.
Buyer’s Obligations
- Pay the price within the specified period.
- Pay interest for late payments.
- Cover transportation costs if applicable.
Insurance Contracts
- Insurer: Compensates for damages in exchange for a premium.
- Insured: Person or entity covered by insurance.
- Object: Person or thing insured.
Leasing Contracts
Allows companies to use goods for a period by paying fees, with options to return, renew, or purchase.
Types of Leases
- Financial Leasing: Involves supplier, user, and leasing company, with a purchase option.
- Operating Leasing: Involves vendor and lessee, with the vendor acting as lessor.
Goods Ordering
Process of ordering items needed by a store, formalized through letter, fax, telephone, order form, or trade representative.
Order Classes
- Firm Orders: Buyer and seller agree on transaction terms.
- Conditional Orders: Buyer sets conditions known to the seller without prior notification.