Understanding Digital Signatures, PPIs, and Cybercrime
Posted on Feb 16, 2025 in Management Assistance
Digital Signature Certificates and Certifying Authorities
Function of Certifying Authority (CA)
- Acts as a regulatory certifying authority.
- Recognizes foreign certifying authorities.
- Grants licenses to certifying authorities to issue electronic signature certificates.
- Suspends licenses.
Rules to Obtain a License to Issue Electronic Certificates (EC)
- Application for license.
- Submission of application.
- Validity of license.
- Issuance of license.
- Renewal of license.
- Suspension of license.
Duties of a Certifying Authority (CA)
- Follow certain procedures regarding security systems.
- Ensure compliance with the act.
- Display the license.
- Surrender the license.
- Make certain disclosures.
Contents of a Digital Signature Certificate
- Owner’s name, organization name, location.
- Issuer’s name, organization, and location.
- Date of issue.
- Serial number of certificate.
- Signature algorithm identifier.
- Owner’s public key.
- Date of expiry.
- Issuer’s public key and digital signature.
Procedures Relating to Electronic Certificates (EC)
- Issue of ESC:
- Making application.
- Grant of certificate.
- Rejection of certificate.
- Suspension of digital signature certificate.
- Revocation of digital signature certificate.
Duties of a Subscriber
- Definition.
- Generating key pair.
- Duty of subscriber of electronic signature certificate.
- Acceptance of digital signature certificate.
- Control of private keys.
Payment Instruments (PPIs)
Who is Eligible to Issue PPIs?
- All banks.
- Mobile banking transactions approved by RBI can launch mobile-based PPIs.
- Non-banking financial institutions: closed system and semi-closed system PPI issuance allowed.
- Mobile service providers.
Types of PPIs
- Closed system.
- Semi-closed system.
- Open system.
Protecting Company Data
Methods to Protect Company Data
- Maintaining backup of data.
- Disk encryption.
- Insert firewall.
- Antivirus software.
- Public key infrastructure.
- Internet protocol security.
- Hardcopy.
- Secure wireless transmission.
- Check received files (antivirus may contain).
Steps for Creation and Verification of Digital Signatures
- Preparation of message.
- Application of hash function.
- Encryption of message digest.
- Attachment of digital signature.
- Sending digital signature and encrypted message.
- Verification.
Different Kinds of Cybercrime
- Unauthorized access and hacking.
- Virus, worms, and trojan attacks.
- DoS attack.
- Email-related crimes.
- Sale of illegal articles.
- Online gambling, cyber pornography.
- Phishing.
- Intellectual property crime.
- Web defacement.
- Cyber stalking and cyber vandalism.
Various Categories of Cybercrime
- Cybercrime against a person.
- Cybercrime against property.
- Cybercrime against government firms.
- Cybercrime against society.
Reasons for Growing Cybercrime
- Cyber criminals almost never get caught.
- Indefinite legal jurisdiction.
- Lack of legal evidence.
- Companies under-invest in protection and detection.
- Less space required for storage of data.
- Easy accessibility.
Various Categories of Criminals
- Children and adolescents between ages 16 to 18.
- Organized hackers.
- Professional hackers.
- Discontented employees.
- Scammers.
- Phishers.
- Insiders.
- Advanced persistent threat agents.
- Malware authors.
- Spammers.
Various Effects of Cybercrime
- Loss of revenue.
- Wastage of time.
- Damage of reputation.
- Reduction in productivity.
- Cost of production.
- Intellectual property theft.
- Legal consequences.
- Blackmailing of corporation.