Understanding Domestic Violence: Terms & Support
Unit 2: Domestic Violence
1. Vocabulary
1.1. Violence Vocabulary
Key Terms:
- Pattern of behavior: Patrón de comportamiento
- Intimidating: Intimidante
- Isolated: Aislado
- Abuse: Malos tratos
- Trap: Trampa
- Emotional abuse: Abuso emocional
- Single incident: Único incidente
- Physical abuse: Abuso físico
- Power and control: Poder y control
- Abuser: Abusador
- Threaten: Amenazar
- Victim: Víctima
- Sexual assault: Agresión sexual
- Target: Objetivo (target audience)
- Demonstration: Manifestación
- To launch an attack: Lanzar un ataque
- Stab wounds: Heridas de apuñalamiento
- To beat: Golpear
- To kick: Golpear, dar una patada
- Abusive relationship: Relación abusiva
- To dismiss charges: Retirar los cargos
- Release defendant: Poner en libertad al acusado
- To be charged with: Ser acusado de
- To drop a case: Dejar de investigar
- Acquitted: Absuelto
- Name-calling: Insultar
- Offender: Delincuente
- Pattern: Patrón
- Batter: Maltratar
- Abusive: Abusivo
- To abuse: Abusar
- To become: Convertirse
- To lack: Ausencia
- Impact: Impacto
- To report: Denunciar
- To stalk: Acosar
- Legal aid: Asistencia jurídica
- To support: Apoyar
- To respond to: Responder a
- Injuries: Lesiones, heridas
- To face: Enfrentar
- Slap: Bofetada
- To cope with: Hacer frente a
- To belittle (put down): Menospreciar
- To seek help: Buscar ayuda
- To put down (to belittle): Menospreciar
- Restraining order: Orden de alejamiento
- To deserve: Merecer
- Shelter: Refugio
- To heal: Sanar
- Counseling: Asesoramiento
- Scar: Cicatriz
- To stand up to (him, the abuse): Hacer frente (sinónimo de to face)
- To deny: Negar
- To settle for: Conformarse con, asumir
- Warning signs: Señales de advertencia
- To punch: Golpear (con el puño)
- To choke: Estrangular (con las manos)
- To strangle: Estrangular (con cualquier cosa)
- Isolated incident (single incident): Incidente aislado
- Long-term: A largo plazo
- To cope with / to deal with: Lidiar con
- To know and understand – awareness: Conciencia
- To look for or try to obtain – to seek: Buscar
- Psychological help – counseling: Asesoramiento
- To tell the authorities – to report: Informar (not to demand)
- A husband or wife – a spouse: Cónyuge, esposa o esposo
- Don’t get close to that person – a restraining order: Orden de alejamiento
- Repeated abuse – battering – battered women: Maltrato, mujeres maltratadas
- To support s.o. to do s.t. – to encourage: Animar
- A safe place to stay – a shelter / a refuge: Refugio
- Billboard: Cartel, cartelera
- Wounds: Heridas
- Cuts and swollen eyes: Cortes y ojos hinchados
- Turn a blind eye: Hacer oídos sordos
- Denial: Negación
- Bruises: Moretones
- Trap: Trampa
- To hide: Esconder
- To deserve: Merecer
- Legal approach: Enfoque legal
- To overcome: Superar
- To sue: Demandar
- To file suit: Presentar una demanda
- To use drugs: Drogarse
- Substance abuse: Abuso de sustancias
- To be ashamed: Estar avergonzado
- Shame: Vergüenza
- To make somebody something (violent): Hacer algo a alguien (violento)