Understanding Economic Systems: Market, Planned, and Mixed

Economic Systems: An Overview

Resource Allocation

An economic system is the mechanism used to organize economic activity and resolve the economic problems of resource allocation.

Resource allocation: is the set of decision factors for determining the products we use. Every economic entity considers:

  • What occurs?: How many inputs and outputs are employed, and the final amount: consumption/production methods, quantity/quality, domestic/international.
  • How do I produce?: How to combine the factors of production, machinery or labor, private/public initiative, ecological/polluting.
  • For whom?: Who will consume, considering income distribution.

Market Economy System

This system uses market principles to provide answers.

  • Sovereignty: Freedom of choice for consumers.
  • Benefit: Entrepreneurs aim to maximize profit.
  • Scarcity: The scarcer a productive factor, the greater its remuneration.
  • What is produced?: Private enterprise produces what the market demands.
  • How is it produced?: In the most efficient way to reduce costs and increase profits.
  • For whom?: For those who can pay, depending on their level of income.

Characteristics of a Market Economy

  • The ownership of the means of production is private, and the benefit goes to the owner.
  • Freedom of choice: The main objective is the maximization of individual interest.
  • No state interference in the economy: The public sector ensures economic freedom through law and public order.
  • Freedom of producers to enter and exit the market: Consumers and businesses agree.
  • Remuneration: For the inputs is governed by the law of supply and demand.

Central Planning

The planning agency studies the needs and resources, plans a budget to organize resources and assets for production, and controls prices.

Features of Central Planning

  • The ownership of the means of production is public.
  • The ultimate aim is the collective good, with no freedom of action for operators.
  • The state establishes prices and wages.

Failures in Eastern Europe

  • Difficulty obtaining information on the status of citizens.
  • Slow decision-making.
  • Huge bureaucracy slows economic stimulus.

Mixed Economic System

The market system primarily allocates resources, but the state inspects, regulates, and intervenes to reduce inequalities.

  • What occurs?: Demand determines production, except for some goods determined by the government.
  • For whom?: Main factors of production are considered, but the state intervenes to broaden the reach of some goods and services.
  • How?: Private-sector efficiency/public-sector production.

Features of a Mixed Economy

  • Companies and means of production are privately owned, and economic freedom exists.
  • The state can restrict and ensure the general good.
  • The aim pursued by this system is individual interest.
  • Prices of most goods are determined by market supply and demand.


  • The functioning of the market needs the state.

Substantial Differences in Wealth and Poverty

  • Wealth increases but is badly distributed.
  • The state redistributes in the mixed economy.
  • Corporate compensation is received by owners of production factors.