Understanding Educational Management and Administration in India

Management – Meaning

* Management means steering an organization towards specified objectives through certain processes.

* The collective body of those who manage or direct any enterprises.

* Management means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals.

* Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act(s) of management.

Meaning/Definition of Educational Management:

* Steering an educational institution towards specified objectives through certain processes. – Paul Monroe

* Educational management is an organized group working as an executive authority that takes decisions on human resources, finance, equipment, proper planning, and achieving its aims.

* Educational management is an authoritative program of determining educational programs and implementing them.

* It is concerned with both human and material resources.

* The human elements include: (i) Children, (ii) Parents, (iii) Teachers, and (iv) Other employees in general.

* On the material side, there are (a) Finance, (b) Buildings and grounds, (c) Equipment and instructional supplies. Besides, there are ideas, laws, and regulations having a bearing on the educational process.

* The blending of these ‘parts’ into a ‘whole’ is educational management.

Need/Importance of Educational Management:

  • For effective and efficient functioning.
  • To bring qualitative changes.
  • Achieving group goals.
  • Optimum utilization of resources.
  • Expansion and diversification.
  • Motivate members.
  • Good interpersonal relationships.

Scope of Educational Management:

  • Providing human resources like teaching/non-teaching staff to schools/colleges.
  • Preparing academic timetables.
  • Looking after the proper functioning of schools (like discipline, teaching, examination, etc.).
  • Maintaining records properly.
  • Encouraging educational research and publication, etc.

Functions of Educational Management:

  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Directing
  • Motivating
  • Decision making
  • Evaluating

1) Planning

* The most basic and extensive process in management.

* It means deciding in advance what results are to be achieved and what actions are to be taken for the same, and who should take such actions, where, when, and how.

2) Organizing

* It is the process of grouping people and activities at the disposal of an organization.

* In a judicious manner, people and activities have to be grouped to produce the best results by following the most appropriate sequence of events.

3) Directing

* To function a school properly, proper direction should be given to the headmaster, teachers, students, and parents.

* Direction strengthens the relationship among various units related to the institution.

4) Motivating

* This means the continuous process of generating sufficient interest in each individual to carry out actions that can benefit the organization.

* As strategies for motivation, both monetary and non-monetary rewards are used.

5) Decision Making

* This means converting intentions into action plans on a rational basis, based on a perceived relationship between actions and outcomes.

* Decision making is the essence of all management.

6) Evaluating

* Evaluation is the process by which we judge the value of a thing.

* It is the process of determining the extent to which an educational or institutional objective is attained.

Aspects of Educational Management (5M’s)

  • Management of Money
  • Management of Men
  • Management of Machines
  • Management of Material
  • Management of Method

Factors Influencing the Development of Educational Management:

  • Growing complexity of the educational enterprise.
  • Modern technological development.
  • Ever-changing pattern of education.
  • Rising cost of education.
  • Increasing politicization of education.
  • Social changes.

Educational Administration – Meaning

Educational administration is regarded as the process of integrating the appropriate human and material resources that are made available and made effective for achieving the purposes of a program of an educational institution.

The term