Understanding Erosion, Transportation, and Sedimentation

Erosion, Transportation, and Sedimentation

1. Definitions:

  • Erosion: The process of dislodging and moving material resulting from the weathering of rocks by wind, water, waves, and ice.
  • Transportation: The movement of eroded materials to other locations.
  • Sedimentation: The deposition of transported materials by agents of erosion.

2. How are Water Gullies Formed?

Water gullies form with rain or snowmelt that infiltrates into the ground, leading to runoff and the formation of gullies and fairy chimneys.

3. What is a Torrent?

Torrents are seasonal surface water flows that appear during intense rains.

4. What is a River?

Rivers are continuous streams of water, formed by the confluence of several streams. They exhibit flow and have distinct courses: High, Middle, and Lower.

5. How do Rivers Transport Materials?

Rivers transport materials through erosion and sediment deposition.

6. Delta vs. Estuary

River deltas form when rivers transport large quantities of sediment, while estuaries are where rivers meet the sea.

7. What is an Aquifer?

An aquifer is a body of water from rainfall that fills underground spaces. It can be exploited for water resources and human consumption.

8. Karst Landforms Definitions

  • Lenar: Grooves formed on limestone.
  • Dolina: Ring-shaped depressions that may or may not be filled with water.
  • Sima: Vertical ducts inside the ground.
  • Gallery: Horizontal ducts outside the field.
  • Cave: A cavity communicating with the outside.
  • Stalactite: Structures formed on the roofs of caves.
  • Stalagmite: Formations created by water dripping from the roof, depositing calcium carbonate on the floor.
  • Columns: The union of a stalactite and stalagmite.

9. What is an Iceberg?

An iceberg is a fragment that breaks off from a glacier and floats in the sea.

10. Alpine Glacier Parts

  • Cirque: Zone of accumulation of material.
  • Glacier Tongue: Ice mass that moves through valleys.
  • Glacier Front: Deposit of material transported by a glacier.

11. Wind Erosion Processes

  • Deflation: When the wind carries particles by suspension.
  • Abrasion: The collision of suspended particles carried by the wind.

12. Regs and Ergs Formation

  • Regs: Formed when the wind carries the finest materials.
  • Ergs: Accumulations of fine materials washed away by wind.

13. Marine Erosion Elements

The swell, tides, and currents produce erosion, transport, and sedimentation in the sea.

  • Swell: Movements of the sea due to wind and seismic activity.
  • Tides: Vertical movement of seawater, produced by the attraction of the moon on the earth.
  • Currents: Movement of sea water flowing in one direction.

14. What is a Glacier?

A glacier is an ice mass in motion, formed through compaction, accumulation, and recrystallization. Types include ice caps, alpine glaciers.

15. Landform Table

Water FloodingGully, Fairy Chimney
TorrentRambla, River Fan, Wadi
RiversMeander, Throat, Delta, River Terrace, Estuary, Waterfall, Rocks Dappled Canyon
KarstStalactite, Dolina, Lenar, Pit, Gallery
IceHorms, Iceberg
WindDune, Mushroom Rock, Rizodura
SeaBlasting, Bay, Arrow, Marsh, Isthmus, Cape