Understanding Family Structures and Dynamics

Cope with – enfrentarse a

Extended family – composed of parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and other family members who live in the same HOUSEHOLD

Stepfamily/blended – the children are not biologically related to one of the parents. The parents have a new partner or spouse due to divorce or death

Single-parents: lone parent family, it is made up of one parent who is raising one or more children by him or herself

Childless family – husband and wife, but doesn’t include children

Nuclear – traditional type of family which consist of two parents and an only child or siblings. Usually a married couple

Two people who are married or romantically involved – couple

Refers to either a husband or a wife – spouse

Because of – consist of Same house – household Take care – raising

Brothers and sisters – siblings Doesn’t have brothers – only child

Got married/ got divorced – got divorced from/ is married to

Only child families – SPOILT (mimado) and lonely. Self-confident and popular with other children. More one-to-one with their parents

Large families – advantage of relationships with siblings. Emotional support when GROWING UP. RIVALRY and may need to fight for their parents attention and RESOURCES

Single parents – WIDOWED, economic problems. Less supervision, require more support for emotional problems

Stepfamilies – part of two household, multiple parental influences. Confusion, discipline issues, loss of stability, divide LOYALTIES

LGBTQ+ parents – emotionally and physically healthy, social problems (not supportive)

More …than fewer/less(incontable)….than (+-)

Closed question, open-ended questions (completely open, word association, completion sentence), tips for designing a questionnaire (establish the objective, variety questions, start with easy question)

Deficient parents: frequently, mental illness or a physical illness, not meeting their childrens needs. Children take adult responsibilities. Own caretakers. Not childhood, ignore their own needs. Feels inadequate and guilty.

Controlling parents: continue dominating and making decisions for their children even when it is no longer necessary, they feel abandoned when their children become independent. Children feel angry, inadequate and powerless. Difficulties to make decisions.

Alcohol and drugs dependent – keep problems in secret, NO SEEKING HELP. Children feel insecure, frustrated and angry. Lack of trust of others (no confianza), difficulty with emotional expression. Higher risk for be alcoholic

Abusive parents. Abuse can be verbal, physical or sexual. Terrifying environment for the child. Have difficulties developing feelings of trust and safety even in their adult lives. Feels guilty and inadequate. Difficulties with relationships and with sexuality.

Coping with – deal with problems Overcoming. Deal with successfully

Major – very important Approaches – a way of doing or thinking of something

Welfare – being happy Removed – to take away form a place Harm. Damage

Assured – guarantee Legal guardianFoster home. Household for adoptive childs

Bringing up – are raising

Because + subject + verb

Because of/due to/ as a result of+ no