Understanding Grammatical Sentences: Structure, Semantics, and Types

The grammatical sentence
It is understood from three prespestivas: The structural semantics and intonation.
The grammatical sentence structure of the sentence are the subject and predicate. The subject performs or receives the action of the verb and the predicate is what is affirmed or denied of the subject. The subject is the noun and reach agreement with number and person with the verb. Structurally, the sentence may be simple, compound or compleja.La grammatical sentence is a semantic unit because communicates something that makes sense with syntactic coherence and consistency.

The grammatical sentence is a unit of intonation

Because intonation is the melody that occurs when speaking and fits the meaning we intend to give our words. The patterns of intonation are exclamatives, expository, hortatory, interrogative.
Modalities are declarative sentence when he asserts something.
Interrogative is unknown when the message content may be total or partial.
Exclamatory expressed emotion and expressive function predominates.
Hortatory tone prevails in the appellate function.
Hortatory or mandatory sentences (in office) uses the imperative. In the optative sentences expresses a wish and use the conditional.

Types of sentences
can be copulative or attributive or predicate. Predicates can be active (transitive or intransitive). Passive verb in the passive voice. Impersonal.

Prayer attributive or predicate
can provide a structure and a structure conferring equational, the core attributes are as copulative verb (be, be, or appear to) and presents a quality or attribute of the subject (John is handsome)

The attribute

It may consist of an adjectival phrase, a noun, a prepositional phrase or adverbial phrase or a preposition.

predicative sentences or
can be verbal predicate is transitive and takes an active CD, the CD is replaced him, the, the, the The CD shows what lies on the action and is essential in transitive sentences. The IC can be replaced by him or them and express the term affected by the action attribute equals verbal.CP in copular sentences, agrees in gender and number with an NP, supplement next to verbs requiring a preposition and left as a reference more pronoun preposition that or that etc.. CC express circumstances and can be played by a prepositional phrase, a nominal or an adverbial. Reflective the subject is the end of the verbal action. Reciprocal and get the subject performs the action. Intransitive no CD and you can see 3 types of verb in them intransitive verbs, verbs, pronouns, verbs and transitive verbs conferring.

Predicative sentences passive verb can be passive and have a c Agent and a subject patient, may be reflected predicative passive, impersonal, mostly on atmospheric phenomena in 3rd person verbs, the verb do, have or are preceded by impersonal verbs.

Prayer composed

It consists of two or more sentences, and each has a nucleus. The relationship between the propositions may be for coordination and subordination.
There are no dependence coordination when entering the propositions. Subordination exists when there is dependency.

Propositions juxtaposed and coordinated
juxtaposed propositions are coordinated because they are independent, but carry no sex marriage but are usually separated by commas.


Copulativa coordinated propositions:

they express a series of actions and linkages are: and, e, or that.
“adverse expressed opposition of two ideas, their connections are: but, again, however, yet, though but.


expressing mutually exclusive actions and their links are: o, u, and .


express alternation between two subjects or shares its links are: and, now, well, etc..


clarify the meaning of its links are above: that is, ie bone.

Coordinates inferential:

it keeps the thread of discourse their connections are so, so, so and so.


Prayer composed subordinate subordination of which one is the main and the others perform a function related to the principal. Substantive subordinate classes of prepositions play the same functions as an adjectival noun adjectival phrase equals one and a noun phrase complement. Adverbial function as an adverb.
Syntactical functions of subordinate clauses substantive function as a complementary agent, subject, attribute, CD, CI, apposition, and ended adjacent supplement. Substantive subject subordinate function as a predicate and subject are introduced through links like that and if they can also be adjectival noun can seem endless.

Substantive CD

Leave it as a reference, the, the, the, the CI left as you reference them in charge left as reference function more pronouns prepositions that, that.
Subordinadas adjective may be that are preceded by a preposition or occurring without antecedent and have an item before thus become adjectival noun, always perform the function of adjacent terms, except when substantivized adjectives.

adverbial subordinate clauses and circumstantial
adverbials are considered those which can be replaced by an adverb of manner, time, of place, or amount. The circumstantial are those that express a circumstance, such as benchmarking, conditional, consecutive, concessive, reason, purpose.
Subordinate local may be introduced by interrogatives, adverbs of place like here, there, left as a reference.
Modal adverbs left as reference type like leaves, and, well wrong.

Adverbial Amount

Dejan reference numbers or adverb, answering the question when, soon, much, much, too.
Adverbial time respond to the question when Adverbial comparator compares two or more elements may be of superiority, equality or superiority. The link as much as, well as, etc..
Concessive circumstantial Subordinated express an inconvenience to take place as stated in the main proposition, although links, though, and so on.

Subordinadas circumstantial conditionals

They express a condition to be met to perform the action of the main motion, if linkages, provided that, control that.
Subordinadas circumstantial grounds stated a cause of happiness in the main motion, the main link is because. Subordinated consecutive circumstantial express a result of this in the main, their ties are such that, while, as that, and so on.
Subordinadas end circumstantial express a purpose of the main motion, his links that are related to that.