Understanding Greek Participles

Present Active Participle


Singular Plural

N. OATUU ai “ h “ G. ousai th / j oushj twn ousw / n D. th | “ oush | taiji ousaij A. th, n ousan taj ousaj

Masculine Singular or Plural N. ontej “ G. “ oi wn tou / ontoj tw / n ovntwn D. tw / onti toi / j to ousin A., No onta tou / j Mounting

Present Participle of Middle-Passive


Singular Plural

N. omevnh ai “ h “ G. ovmenai th / j omevnwn D. omevnhj twn th | “ omevnh | taiji omevnaij A. th, n omevnhn taj omevnaj

Masculine Singular or Plural N. ovmenoi “ “ G. ovmenoj oi tou / omevnou tw / n omevnwn D. tw / omevnw | toi / j to omevnoij A., No ovmenon tou / j omevnouj

Aorist Active Participle


Singular Plural

N. sasa ai “ h “ G. Sasai th / j twn sashj SASW / n D. th | “ sash | taiji sasaij A. th, n taj sasan sasaja Masculine Singular or Plural N. santej “ “ G. saj oi tou / Santoja tw / n santwn D. tw / santi toi / j sasin A. to, n holy tou / j santaj Aorist Middle Participle


Singular Plural

N. samenh ai “ h “ G. samenai th / j samenhj twn samenw / n D. th | “ samenh | taiji samenaij A. th, n samenhn taj samenaj Masculine Singular or Plural N. samenoi “ “ G. samenoj oi tou / samenou tw / n samenwn D. tw / samenw | toi / j to samenoij A., No samenon tou / j samenouj Aorist Passive Participle


Singular Plural

N h “ QEI / sa ai “ QEI / G. sai th / j qe, qe twn ishj, ISW / n D. th | “ qeish | taiji qeisaij A. th, n taj Qeis qeisaj Masculine Singular or Plural N. QEIj “ oi qe, G. ntej tou / qe, eathe a lot tw / n qe, D. ntwn tw / qe, nti toi / j QEI / if A. to, n qe, nta tou / j qe, ntaj Vocabulary basileu, w reign ekle, gomai choose, choose qeri, zw harvest, mowing Latreuo, w serve mnhmoeu worship, remember or “ pakou w, w obey dokim, zw test, test katerga, stre zomai conduct, fo become ape, cw receive, hold, retrieve diakri, nw judge, doubt, discern merimna, w concerns, interests tre nhsteuw fast, run co Kru, ptw hide bow, gw go ahead Theory Definition They are those who have a inio Verbole but end up as an adjective, depending on the presence or absence of items can be Adbervial or Adjectival.

All Greek participle is composed of the following: Verb stem: It is the verbal root or remnant, which tells us that the verb is involved:

Temporal signal: It is the part that tells us that time is the participle.

Theme or Vocal Conectiva: It is the vowel that connects the temporal signal with the signal adjectival.

Adjectival termination: Is the feature that indicates that a word is a participle.

Features such as adjective: Article 1.Lleva. 2.Tienen Case, Gender and Number. 3.Make the role of an adjective, because they say some of the Noun or Pronoun. 4.Funcionan as a noun when it is not present, and when accompanied by an article. Translate 5.Se accompanied by the preposition 6.When plays the role of adjective, it says that the adjectival participle in use

Features like Adverb: 1.No the article. 2.Tiene Time (Present, Aorist, Perfect or Future) 3.Tiene Voice (active, average and Passive) 4.No have Person. 5.Enfatiza its function as a verb. 6.Por general, the verbal participle (or adverbial) is related to the main verb of the sentence, and may say, when, how, why, under what circumstances or under what circumstances the action takes place. 7.Cuando fulfill this role of the Word, is said to Adverbial participle is in use.

Note: Adverbs, by definition, are part of the sentence changes the meaning of the main verb of the sentence.

Because of their significance, include: Of place (here, there, there, near, far, and so on. Time (yesterday, today, tomorrow, as when, before, after, and so on. So: (good, bad, so quickly, etc) and others.