Understanding Human Rights: Principles and Applications

A Universal: That is, it must recognize all human beings without exclusion. Every human being must be treated as a peer, as someone who has the same dignity as another. Universal is the requirement to recognize them, but in fact, in many places, they are not recognized yet.

Imprescriptible: I mean that they do not expire or prescribe, if you have an emergency at all times and for all. It does not mean having no limits, because to move, you have to set limits around to enjoy other rights.

Citizen Initiatives: Citizens can act for human rights in three ways:

  1. Broadcast or make them available to other people
  2. Require public authorities to comply through letters, demonstrations, etc.
  3. Be an integral part of your organizations and associations that fight for Human Rights of those who either need them or are unknown.

Legal Norms: These are the laws dictated by political authority and have the force of obligation. If you fail to comply, there is usually a penalty based on the damage done (fine, jail, etc.). These two standards are different from normal in the latter’s moral force for personal and also the sanction is not external (from society or the laws) if not entail punishment only when it involves a legal violation.

Authority: It can mean two things: the power of one person over another who is subordinate, and credit is given to a person’s merit or reputation in a particular field. The first is power or leadership; the second is to win recognition from others. To exercise the full authority is called to bear it; to have a position of authority without the right to wield it is

UN Organizations: These are agencies of the United Nations specialized.

FIRST GENERATION: The first recognized rights were civil and political, at root claimed by the bourgeoisie against the Old Regime from the sixteenth century: The rights to life and physical inwardness, to express themselves freely, to travel and meet freely, to be judged impartially. Such rights are based on the basic moral value of freedom. The kind of state that comes to recognize those rights and is guided by the ideal of liberty is the rule of law. A constitutional state requires public authorities by law to respect the rights of individuals, now citizens.

Legality, Legitimacy, and Effectiveness of Laws: The classic reflection on political power is that of Max Weber, according to whom the state has the legitimate use of violence: coercion, threat, or punishment by law or legal norms must be accompanied by legitimacy, i.e., must have a rational justification. The relationship between legality and legitimacy of the rules can yield the following three situations:

1. Situation: In which the legal norms in a state that is not legitimate, the laws of a dictatorship is a body or code that may not bequeath to respect human rights. For example, the Nazis and their anti-Jewish laws.

2. Situation: In a society, there are laws to reflect the legitimacy of the rules of coexistence, or put another way, rules are used for social harmony and order, like customs. The customs and traditions that do not need to be written but are respected.

3. Situation: It is desirable that any society is represented by a democratic state and law, and where laws, the laws are legitimate because we fully respect and guarantee human rights and freedoms of citizens.

As in combat, they are gathered in FAO (agriculture organizations and food). It is based in Rome and works from the 40s. There is also UNESCO (United Nations organization for education, science, and culture) in Paris

Authority and Authoritarianism: When the authority, which is their right and power to command and being obeyed, exceeds in the use of their power, we have authoritarianism, whether it is lawful authority or not. Generally, authoritarianism is associated with the practice of power without control or the ability to claim those subject to it, that is, absolutely. So would the monarchs of the ancien regime or the final dictators. The power that accompanies the authority should remain free to those who obey Him and your time allow monitoring of its use by citizens and avoid handling them.

Human Nature: Many philosophers and scientists say that in human nature common to every individual has needs are based on their essence as an animal: the pursuit of happiness, the hallmark discovery and invention of techniques, we sought an improved adaptation to life and survival of repeat and fraternity especie.El help to that end.