Understanding Inflation and Economic Balances


Moderate Inflation

Moderate inflation refers to a slow increase in prices. When prices are relatively stable, people trust the currency, placing their money in bank accounts. These accounts or checking deposits offer little return, which would allow their money to maintain its value.

Galloping Inflation

Galloping inflation describes runaway inflation when price increases reach double or triple digits, such as 30%, 120%, or 240%, in an average period of one year. When galloping inflation occurs, significant economic changes arise. In many cases, contracts can be linked to a price index or a foreign currency, such as the dollar. Money loses its value very quickly, so people try not to hold more than necessary, ensuring they have enough for essential living expenses.

Causes of Inflation

Different explanations exist for the causes of inflation. Various types of economic processes produce inflation, and there are diverse explanations for each. Each explanation accounts for a different inflation-generating process, although no single integrated theory encompasses all processes. Three inflation rates are:

  • Demand-pull inflation: When general demand for goods increases without the productive sector having time to adapt the amount of goods produced to the existing demand.
  • Cost-push inflation: Where the cost of labor or raw materials increases, and in an attempt to maintain profit rates, producers increase prices.
  • Built-in inflation: Agents anticipate future price increases and adjust their current behavior to that future provision.

Inflation in Venezuela

Inflation in Venezuela reached 5.2% in April, double the figure obtained in March, and accumulating 11.3% in 2010, as reported by the country’s Central Bank (BCV). This represents the highest price increases in the region. The National Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 2.4% in March of this year and 1.8% in April 2009.

In the first four months of the year, accumulated Venezuelan inflation reached 11.3%, double that obtained in the same period of 2009, when it was 6.7%. In 2009, Venezuela recorded 25.1% inflation, the year with the highest fall in the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 3.3%.

Balance of Payments

balance or balance payments d s an accountant documnto enl qs ls opracions comrcials RECORDS, movements d d d srvicios capitals yevadas x ls rsidnts out in a country connote rsto world dl for 1 priode dtrminado, normalmnt 1 year. d balance payments dtayada provides information on all transaccions ls rsidnts and rsidnts pub.
the RECORDS in the balance transaccions d aparcn payments grouped into sub-scales difrnts, d q tngan caractr connote agreement. ingrsos the pub and payments difrncia d 1A sub-scale dtrminada s dnomina misma.l balance the bottom line d d d balance payments dpndra whole rgimn d dltype d change d the economy. If a sistma enl d d d flotation clean balance payments where ekilibrada sta, sto s, tien cro balance. however, when the economy s rig d x 1 fixed exchange rate, l s ekivalnt balance the change in bank ls dl rsrvas ntas cntral

comrcial balance, also yamada d or d mrcancias biens, use source d cm ls basic information data rcogi2 dpartamnto d xl d the agncia customs tax. enya s payments and receipts RECORDS procdnts ls d ls d imxtacions and exxtacions tangibls biens, cm sr puedn ls automovils the vstimnta or alimntacion.
balance d ls ingrsos srvicios rcogra TO2 and payments compravnta driva2 d d srvicios the pub prsta2 rsidnts d 1 ls ls rsidnts d country and another, if q Factors d san no production (labor and capital) and q hese principles form part d ls rntas . srvicios ls sn:
ยง tourism and viajs, transxts, communications, construction, sgura, financial srvicios

d d balance payments balance
to include all d ingrsos and foreign exchange expenditure (ralmnt what qs cotja and comx s all d drxos d rsidnts dl country with ls obligacions q hese an contracted with ls not rsidnts), l ekilibrio pub one country and ls d + no s Where the value d obtien their exxtacions s nivla connote their imxtacions d d biens and srvicios, but when the 1st rlacion exist such d pub all your payments and ingrsos (ls inclui2 capitals movements d), q custion enables the country in all its likidar xa connote passive extrior considred durantl period. ql dl ekilibrio sto means payments balance d s d a country succeeds when all its ingrsos provnients dl d extrior without altrarla as their rsrvas imxtant or doubts or intrnacionals invrsions ls.

d d imbalance payments balance
the decade dsd d ls 20, ls balance dskilibrios d d d objto payments was an spcial atncion dbid 3 acontcimientos: ls d ls efctos mundials two wars and the great dprsion d ls
the postwar primra s cryo existncia d 1 in the structural ekilibrio but funcional.l dskilibrios serivce d d caractr rxacions ls Alman, the return to gold standard LS d l Financial rajust governments, pub others cntro d ocuparonl the atncion, dq to the conviction under the condition d rstablcr prmuera volvra the global economy to its old channel.

fiscal deficit,
the fiscal deficit, d concpto dscrib the situation in which ls xl stado raliza2 costs or other public entidads in a dtrminado priode, normalmnt 1 year, above its ingrsos.
when s abla d deficit, public s sta a100do rfrncia the deficit, dl set d ls administracions public d a country, so cm x ejmplo if we rfrimos the case nglish; senses travel towards dl deficit, public s would find 1st part caused xl stado, another x ls comunidads autonomy + x ls and other municipalities, being so public deficit, the sum of todasyas. fiscal deficit, economy in 1st crrada: s suppose ql accso government does not have to connote dirct endudamiento public, nor senses travel towards dl country or outside, and q its rsrvas intrnacionals s an exhausted. x Therefore, the option 1ica Qbd s ql connote endudars cntral bank.
dl mdida deficit,
dl deficit, the quantitative mdida prsupustario s ac d travs national accountsq gives the exact mdida d + q st.l critrio s national accounts is a contracted obligacions critrio d, d ls indpndient efctua2 payments and receipts.
xa imxtancia mdir its economy in 1st rcurr the ratio q s rprsntal sobrl deficit, gross product intrior the 1st round d q gives the imxtancia and trascndncia d st.
an exact mdida dl + dl sl deficit, deficit, primary deficit, qs Sub-Prior to the total. st rvla deficit, d ls ls efctos mdidas fiscals dl nta doubt on the public sctor imxtant Conq s vr xa dl sil sctor public deficit, pro s db s sostnibl take into account inflation can afctarl st pus size d ls d ls intrss payments. d off inflation, the total fiscal deficit, entrl difrncia l s primary fiscal deficit, accumulated doubt, q no ls rflja ncsariamnt fiscals vignts dl government policies