Understanding Key Concepts in Media and the Digital Age
Big Data
Big data is all the information that we give to companies through the internet. The term often refers to the use of predictive analytics or other advanced methods to extract value from data. Accuracy in big data can lead to more confident decision-making, greater operational efficiency, cost reductions, and reduced risk.
Brand Content
Generating identity for a brand is more than just selling a product or service. The goal is to understand the needs of the customer and provide them with what they need, making them feel identified with the brand and fostering engagement.
Media Conglomerate
A media conglomerate is a business that owns a large number of companies in various media sectors, effectively forming a collection of media outlets under one umbrella.
Digital Age
The digital age refers to the current era where the internet is practically indispensable, providing access to any information or location at any time.
The Information Age
The Information Age is a period in human history characterized by a shift from traditional industry to an economy based on information computerization. This age is marked by the rise of the digital industry and a knowledge-based society within a high-tech global economy.
Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. Driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology, it impacts various aspects of society, including the environment, culture, political systems, and economic development.
Infotainment refers to media that combines information and entertainment. It can also refer to the hardware or software used to deliver this type of content. Sometimes referred to as the disguising of entertainment as information.
Media Concentration
Media concentration is the process where progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media. This results in large conglomerates dominating the media landscape.
Media Ownership
Media ownership refers to those who control the media. Media concentration signifies a concentrated ownership of media outlets, where a few entities control most of the media.
New Media
New media most commonly refers to content available on demand through the internet, accessible on any digital device, and often includes interactive user feedback and creative participation.
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) is an American public broadcasting and television distributor. It is a non-profit organization that provides various TV programs to public television stations in the USA.
Public Interest
Public interest refers to the welfare or well-being of the general public. In the context of media, it raises questions about the responsibility of media outlets to serve the public good.
Share represents the percentage of the audience reached by a particular media outlet or program.
Social Media
Social media encompasses all types of online social networks that are transforming communication methods and sources of information.
Storytelling is a narrative technique used to connect with audiences on an emotional level. In advertising, it aims to make consumers remember a brand by evoking feelings and creating memorable experiences.
Trend Hunting
Trend hunting, often associated with coolhunting, involves identifying future trends in various sectors of society.
Information Distortion
Information distortion refers to the tendency of information to be altered, omitted, or reorganized as it is communicated within and between individuals and organizations. This can range from unintentional errors in transmission to deliberate manipulation.
EGM (General Study of Media)
The EGM is a study on media consumption in Spain conducted by the Association for Media Research. It involves a large number of personal multimedia interviews to gather data on media usage habits.