Understanding Key English Vocabulary and Phrases

Commonly Used Words and Their Definitions

This guide provides a comprehensive list of commonly used English words and phrases, along with their definitions and synonyms. It’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their English language skills.


Average: Typical, normal (e.g., the average student, the average American). Synonym: medio, típico

Actual: Real. Synonym: real

Nowadays: At present, presently, currently. Synonym: actualmente, hoy en día


Because of: Due to, owing to. Synonym: debido a, a causa de


Compulsory: Obligatory. Synonym: obligatorio

Certainly: Of course. Synonym: por supuesto

Consciously: Intentionally. Synonym: deliberadamente, intencionadamente


Dramatically: Drastically. Synonym: dramáticamente, drásticamente


Eventually: Finally. Synonym: finalmente, al final

Exhausted: Very tired. Synonym: agotado

Essay: Composition. Synonym: redacción

Essential: Really important, fundamental. Synonym: esencial, fundamental


Fat: Overweight. Synonym: gordo, con sobrepeso

Famous: Popular, well-known. Synonym: famoso, popular, conocido

For instance: For example, such as, like. Synonym: por ejemplo

Finally: Eventually. Synonym: finalmente


Guy: Man. Synonym: tipo, individuo


Huge: Enormous, tremendous. Synonym: enorme

However: Nevertheless. Synonym: sin embargo, no obstante


Initially: At first. Synonym: al principio

In my view: From my point of view, as I see it. Synonym: En mi opinión, desde mi punto de vista

Incredible: Unbelievable, amazing, really surprising. Synonym: increíble, asombroso


To Keep Fit: To keep in shape, to keep in good physical condition. Synonym: mantenerse en forma


Large: Big. Synonym: grande


Main: The most important. Synonym: principal, el más importante

Mainly: Basically, primarily. Synonym: principalmente

Major: Very important. Synonym: muy importante


Obese: Really fat, very fat.

Opinion: View, point of view. Synonym: opinión, punto de vista


Particularly: Especially. Synonym: particularmente, especialmente, sobre todo

Providing (that): Provided (that), on condition that, as long as. Synonym: siempre que, a condición de que, sólo si


To Recommend: To suggest, to advise. Synonym: recomendar, aconsejar


Severe: Strong. Synonym: fuerte


Thin: Slim. Synonym: delgado, flaco

To Persuade: To convince. Synonym: persuadir, convencer

To Improve: To get better. Synonym: mejorar

To Figure Out: To understand. Synonym: comprender

To Confront: To face, to deal with. Synonym: afrontar (un problema, una crisis)

To Change: To transform. Synonym: cambiar, transformar

To Get To: To reach. Synonym: alcanzar

To Turn Into: To become. Synonym: convertirse, llegar a ser

To Continue: To go on, to carry on. Synonym: continuar

To Attempt: To try. Synonym: intentar

To Be Aware Of: To be conscious of. Synonym: ser consciente de

To Realize: To become aware of. Synonym: darse cuenta de

To Work Out: To do exercise. Synonym: hacer ejercicio

To Gain Weight: To put on weight. Synonym: ganar peso, engordar


Unhappy: Sad, depressed, low, to be blue. Synonym: triste, deprimido

Unless: If not. Synonym: a menos que, si no


We Haven’t Made Up Our Minds Yet: We haven’t decided yet. Synonym: aún no nos hemos decidido

Whether: If. Synonym: si

This resource provides a solid foundation for expanding your English vocabulary. Remember to practice using these words and phrases in context to solidify your understanding.