Understanding Key Political Terms and Concepts

Key Political Terms and Concepts

Basic Definitions

ACR: A law made by legislators.

Absentee: A voter who doesn’t vote.

Amendment: A change made to an original document.

Appeal: A request for support.

Appoint: To choose somebody for a position.

Bait: To try to make someone angry by using criticism and insults.

Cabinet: A small group of the most important people in a government.

Checks and Balances: A system in which the different parts of the government have powers that affect and control the other parts so that no part becomes too powerful (legislative, executive, judicial powers).

Commitment: A firm decision to do something.

Constituency: The people who live and vote in an area (circumscription).

Groups and Processes

Council: A group of people who come together to consult, deliberate, or make decisions.

Ballot: A system of voting, especially secret, to vote by ballot paper.

Ballot Box: A box in which voters deposit their marked ballots.

Ballot Paper: Paper or card marked by a person who votes.

Bill: Draft of a proposed law to be discussed in parliament, where it will be amended, passed, or thrown out.

Campaign: Planned activities in an organized effort to win an election.

Coalition: Alliance of two or more political parties, usually to form a government.

Constitution: A statement of the fundamental principles and laws by which a country or state is governed.

Coup d’état: Sudden, often violent change of government when a group, such as the military, takes control.

Forms of Government and Authority

Democracy: A form of government where elections are held and people vote for the candidate of their choice to represent them.

Dictatorship: A form of government in which a single individual, who has often seized power by force, exercises political authority using arbitrary and oppressive methods.

Dissolution: The termination of the current session of parliament, which takes place before a general election.

Gerrymander: To rearrange the voting districts in order to ensure more votes for the party in power (manipulation).

People and Outcomes

Grass Roots: Ordinary people in a society, as opposed to those who are in power.

Incumbent: Person currently holding an official position (holder).

Landslide Victory: To win an election with a large majority of votes.

Rules and Influence

Law: A rule or regulation established by the government.

Lobby: Group of people who try to influence an elected official or oppose proposed legislation (pressure group).

Monarchy: System of government in which the head of the state is a king or a queen.

Nominee: Person chosen by a political party to run for election.

Opposition: Political party or parties opposing the government.

Policy: Course of action proposed by a government or political party.

Roles and Activities

Political Party: A political organization with stated beliefs, aims, and policies that puts forward candidates in elections.

Politician: Person who has been elected and works professionally in politics.

Politics: The ideas and activities associated with the governing of a country, region, etc.

Poll: 1. Voting at an election. 2. A survey of public opinion by questioning a selection of people.

The Polls: Place where people vote.

Prime Minister: The head of the government in a parliamentary political system.

Republic: System of government in which power is held by elected representatives and an elected president.

Run (for election): Be a candidate in an election.

Spin Doctor: A spokesperson who gives a favorable interpretation of events to the media, especially on behalf of a political personality or party.

Turnout: The number of people who vote in an election.