Understanding Key Vocabulary and Definitions
Definition: The ability to contain, hold, produce, or understand something.
- Synonyms: Ability, aptitude
- Antonyms: Inability, limitation
Example: Humans have a great capacity for building relationships.
Definition: To exchange ideas on a particular subject, often in order to reach a decision on what action to take.
- Synonyms: Consult, bestow, give
- Antonyms: Revoke, refuse
Example: Knowing how to read was a gift conferred.
Definition: To become manifest.
- Synonyms: Arise, come up
- Antonyms: Opposite, away from
Example: New problems emerge.
Definition: To bring into existence.
- Synonyms: Bring, breed, cause
- Antonyms: Destroy, end, stop
Example: This movie generated a good impression.
Definition: A minute and often barely detectable amount or indication.
- Synonyms: Trace, track
- Antonyms: Lose, miss
Example: The children traced their hands onto the sidewalk with chalk.
Definition: Diamond-shaped object.
- Synonyms: Cap, capsule, pill
Example: Use silver products in gel, lozenge, and liquid form.
Definition: To stand or wait idly.
- Synonyms: Crawl, creep, dally
- Antonyms: Barrel, bolt, course
Example: Don’t loiter in this neighborhood after dark.
Definition: To emit or radiate from.
- Synonyms: Cast, discharge, emit
- Antonyms: Hold, keep, take
Example: Good smells emanated from the kitchen.
Definition: Showing embarrassment.
- Synonyms: Backward, bashful, diffident
- Antonyms: Extroverted, immodest, outgoing
Example: He felt a little sheepish.
Definition: Recognizable or noticeable.
- Synonyms: Appreciable, detectable, distinguishable
- Antonyms: Imperceptible, undetectable, inappreciable
Example: That person is a discernible difference.
Definition: An act or instance of arriving.
- Synonyms: Advent, appearance, arrival
- Antonyms: Exit, going, leave-taking
Definition: To expel air from the lungs suddenly with a sharp, short noise.
- Synonyms: Rasp, croak
- Antonyms: Keep quiet, deny, reject
Example: The dust made him cough repeatedly.
Definition: Used in an auxiliary function in the past.
- Synonyms: Be capable of, be up to, can do
- Antonyms: Could not
Example: I said he would go if he could.
Definition: An indefinite, usually extended expanse of land.
- Synonyms: Fatherland, home, sod
- Antonyms: Urban
Example: There is the country of Italy.
Definition: A person skilled or specializing in healing arts.
- Synonyms: Medic, physician
- Antonyms: Nondoctor, nonphysician
Example: Called the doctor of your grandma.
Definition: Does not.
Example: They don’t understand; speak softly.
Definition: A command or entreaty not to do something.
- Synonyms: Exclusion, injunction, proscription
- Antonyms: Allowance, permission, aid
Example: “Don’t do that,” said my mom.
Definition: Marked by enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest.
- Synonyms: Anxious, crazy, wild
- Antonyms: Apathetic, indifferent
Example: I am eager for news about them.
Definition: Causing or involving little difficulty or discomfort.
- Synonyms: Cheap, royal, soft
- Antonyms: Difficult, rough, demanding
Definition: Being each individual or part of a group without exception.
- Synonyms: Any, each
Example: He was given every chance.
Definition: The second month of the Gregorian calendar.
Example: *No example provided for this term in the original text. A suitable example has been added.* He was born in February.
Definition: A number equal to four times 10.
Example: He is forty years old.
Definition: One attached to another by affection or esteem.
- Synonyms: Buddy, confidant, familiar
- Antonyms: Enemy, foe
Example: She’s my best friend.
Definition: The study of the classes of words, their inflection in the sentence.
- Synonyms: Alphabet, basic, elements
Example: I have a grammar class.
Definition: To form an opinion of from little or no evidence.
- Synonyms: Assume, imagine, suppose
- Antonyms: Fact, reality, proof
Example: I guess you’re right.
Definition: Being one of two equal parts.
- Synonyms: Halfway, partial, incomplete
- Antonyms: Complete, full
Example: Which half do you want?
Definition: To hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement.
- Synonyms: Command, enjoy, hold, own
- Antonyms: Lack, want
Example: I am having a new car.
Definition: To perceive by the ear.
- Synonyms: Attend, get, listen
- Antonyms: Ignore, lose, misunderstand
Example: I heard something bad about you.
Definition: A time or office for daily liturgical devotion.
- Synonyms: Bit, date, flash
- Antonyms: Whole, triviality, unimportance
Example: It is lunch hour.
Definition: As a substitute or equivalent.
- Synonyms: Rather, alternately, in preference
Example: They called me instead.