Understanding Legal Acts: Classifications and Effects

Legal Acts: An Overview

Legal acts: The facts are generally made up of what’s happening. For their part, legal facts are all that happens and causes legal effects. Regarding legal facts, they can be of such nature or proper, i.e., those which do not involve the human will, as well as facts of law of man, that is, those substances in which the human will. But there are facts of man with no intention of producing legal effects; these are the crimes and torts.

Classification of Legal Acts

1. Unilateral and Bilateral Instruments

As if the number of parties whose wills is necessary for the birth of the act, these are classified as unilateral (testament) and bilateral (usually the conventions).

It is important to note at this point that the legislation is talking about parties, not people, because otherwise there would be an impropriety. A party may be several people.

Within the classification of the act between unilateral and bilateral, it is also worth mentioning that although the legal act is a convention, it is not the same as a contract. This instrument creates obligations, rights to be created, modified, terminated, or transferred; however, the contract will generate rights and obligations.

The bilateral legal act is also a convention. It is an agreement of wills. We know that the convention is a voluntary agreement that creates a legal result; however, a contract is only a voluntary agreement which creates obligations and rights, only generates.

In the marriage contract, which takes place between a man and a woman, instantly generate other obligations of or related collateral. The spouse is a relative of all the relatives of the woman, each other.

For their part, economic legal acts are referred to the property. They range in determining the effects and regulation granted by law.

In the free events, there is impoverishment and enrichment of both sides.

The costly legal act is one in which the utility seeks to both parties. Insert takes the concept of reciprocity; we can say that there is impoverishment and enrichment of both parties.

2. Legal Acts Between Living and Death Due

Consider the time the act produces its effects. When one party dies, can remain among the living, as you may have a representative.

3. Legal Acts Solemn, Consensual, and Royals

The property is determined at birth the legal act.

Finally be solemn when the will is manifest in compliance with the so-called legal formalities.

4. Pure and Simple Stamp and Subject to Special Conditions

In acts pure and simple, the effect is immediate. If the aim is fulfilled immediately.

Faced with these acts pure and simple, there are instruments subject to special conditions, under which that while these arrangements are not met, you can modify its effects, from the standpoint of its existence, exercise or termination of the rights sought. This classification serves the time of producing the effects of the act.

5. Main Legal Instruments and Accessories

The main event is when Subsisting itself without need for another convention, and accessories, where they are designed to ensure the fulfillment of an obligation, so that it can not survive without it. One can not conceive that there is an accessory contract, without a principal.

6. Instant Legal Act and the Chain of Title

The event is instantaneous when it runs out immediately, i.e., after finishing the legal act the parts are detached from the effect of it, for example, in the sale of furniture, delivered the money, you get the furniture and the act refines and ends immediately. The insurance also requires the passage of time. Marriage develops over time.

7. Simulated and True Stamp

The true Law Act requires no explanation because they simply corresponds entirely to the will of the parties. The parties agree to perform a legal act and that is the doing.

In the simulation on the parties enter into a legal act that is different.