Understanding Marketing: Organization, Activities, and Market Research

Fundamental Dimensions of Marketing Organization

A) Organization for Marketing Roles.


B) Product Marketing Organization.


C) By Region Marketing Organization.


D) Organization for Marketing Clients.


Activities Within the Field of Marketing

A) Research and Approach to Markets. Justification: Given the economic development of the country, decision-making in business, and more specifically in the area of marketing, called for a wealth of information and a number of tests that were not so necessary when companies were small and the market limited.

  • Farmer: Direct contact with the customer.
  • Knew tastes, ability to purchase, and what to name.
  • When production is disseminated, it hinders the knowledge of customers.
  • Must rely on intermediaries.
  • The distance between the consumer is getting bigger.
  • Substantially restricts contact with him.

Market Research: Definition and Scope

Definition: Consists of the collection, tabulation, and analysis of information concerning marketing activities to be done with the purpose of helping the executive to make decisions in this chapter of the business.

  • There is some company in any data accumulation possible reliance on market research.
  • Area of Internal Information.
  • External Area of Information.
  • Meet the entrepreneur: Internal information first before embarking on the external investigation.

Internal Information

  • Sales Analysis:
    • a) Product
    • b) For Customers
  • Turnover:
    • a) By Territory
  • Sales Trends
  • Sales Forecast
  • Establishment of Fees and Sales Areas
  • Point of Balance
  • Control of Equipment Sales

External Information

  • a) Understanding the Consumer: In order to focus and manage to achieve any particular product to be a true satisfier, you should know:
    • Who is the consumer?
    • What are they dedicated to?
    • What is their personal income?
    • What are their costs?
    • Where do they live?
    • How do they live?
    • Where do they usually purchase the item they consume?
    • All the socio-economic situation of the consumer.
    • Inclusive predetermined psychological reactions.
  • b) Status of Competition: This information allows us to know the status of competition as far as:
    • Their prices.
    • Distribution channels.
    • Physical distribution.
    • Sales unconditioned.
    • Terms.
    • Interests.
    • This research can be carried out through the body of sellers.
    • As traders or brokers are the common foreign sellers.

Market Size and Definition

  • a) Market Size:
  • Market Definition: Geographical location where there were buyers and sellers to exchange goods & money.
    • Research of this type allows knowing the status of the company.
    • As the sales potential in relation to total consumption.
    • Also leads to data of the situation and definition of different types of markets.
  • Potential Market: The potential market consists of all people, business units to civil or units that can induce purchase a product or service.
  • Own Consumption Market: Consists of all those people or civilian units who are actually buying the product or services of interest to the company.
  • Consumption of Competition Market: What are the person or business units civil or products of concern to acquire the company but are not produced or distributed by her.
  • Market Development: Is a part of the potential market that due to a variety of factors or causes currently use the products, but that in the future will become part of the market.
  • Immediate Market: Market is expected to become potential within that can be given one to three years, or the duration of a cycle economic enterprise.
  • Mediate Market: Is subject to be potential market in a long term. That is, the transformation will be gradual process, and determined to be more than three years or through several cycles of the company.