Understanding Matter: Pure Substances, Mixtures, and Solutions
Matter: Pure Substances and Mixtures
Pure substances have a constant composition that does not change under any physical conditions. They cannot be broken down into simpler substances by physical means.
Pure Substances: Compounds and Elements
- Compounds: Pure substances that can be broken down into simpler substances through chemical processes.
- Elements: Pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by any means.
Mixtures are combinations of multiple pure substances that can be separated using physical methods.
Types of Mixtures
- Heterogeneous Mixtures: Components are visible and distinguishable.
- Homogeneous Mixtures (Solutions): Components are not visible and appear uniform.
- Non-Homogeneous Mixtures: Scatter light.
- Colloids: Heterogeneous mixtures that scatter light.
- Emulsions: Colloids where particles are dispersed by an emulsifier.
Separation of Mixtures
- Sieving: Separates solids with different particle sizes (e.g., sand and gravel).
- Filtration: Separates insoluble solids from liquids (e.g., copper dichromate).
- Crystallization: Separates a solid from a solvent (e.g., saline solution).
- Magnetic Separation: Separates magnetic materials from non-magnetic materials (e.g., sulfur and iron filings).
- Settling: Separates two immiscible liquids with different densities using a separatory funnel (e.g., oil and water).
- Distillation: Separates two miscible liquids with different boiling points.
- Chromatography: Separates components of a homogeneous mixture based on their affinity to a mobile phase (liquid or gas) and a stationary phase (solid).
Homogeneous Mixtures: Solutions
Solutions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more components.
Components of a Solution
- Solvent: The component present in the greater proportion.
- Solute: The component present in the lesser proportion.
Concentration of Solutions
The concentration of a solution is the amount of solute present in a certain amount of solution.
Percentage by Mass
Indicates the grams of solute in 100 grams of solution.
% by mass of solute = (mass of solute / mass of solution) x 100
Percentage by Volume
Indicates the volume of solute in 100 units of solution volume.
% by volume = (volume of solute / volume of solution) x 100
Mass Concentration
The amount of mass of solute in a unit volume of solution.
Mass concentration = mass of solute / volume of solution
Solubility is the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent (e.g., grams of solute per 100 mL of solvent, or grams of solute per liter of solvent).
Types of Solutions Based on Solute Concentration
- Dilute Solution: Low solute-to-solvent ratio.
- Concentrated Solution: High solute-to-solvent ratio.
- Saturated Solution: Cannot dissolve any more solute.
The Atom: Historical Perspective
Democritus and Dalton
Leucippus and Democritus proposed that matter consists of indivisible particles called atoms (460-370 BC).
Plato and Aristotle believed that matter was a continuum that could be divided infinitely (428-348 BC).
Lavoisier and Dalton demonstrated that matter consists of atoms:
- Matter is composed of indivisible and indestructible atoms.
- All atoms of the same element are identical in mass and properties.
- Compounds are formed by combinations of atoms from different elements.
Substances in Life
- Pure Water: Pure substance.
- Blood: Heterogeneous mixture.
- Plasma: Homogeneous mixture.