Understanding Media, Information Society, and Digital Evolution

Public Media

Holding institutions and government accountable

Helping citizens to engage with the democratic debate

Contributing to healthy circulation of information

Associating news brands with free media

Strengthening the social fabric

Globally entertaining and connecting citizens

The Information Society, Chapter 2

Definition: A form of society characterized by the importance of production and management of information and knowledge. Technologies for the production, manipulation, and communication of information are pervasive and affect society in all senses (political, personally…).

The Industrial Evolution

Stephen Jay Gould: The history of the world consists of long periods of stable states with specific moments of change that lead to other stable states.

Manuel Castells: The Internet Galaxy – humanity is at the edge of a new revolution. Manuel Castells tried to change the Spanish model into the American, but he couldn’t finally.

Martin Kenney and John Zysman: Information technology transformation provides services.

Algorithm: A set of instructions for solving a problem or accomplishing a task.

Cloud Computing: A cloud service allows storage and access to computer systems and applications over the Internet.

The algorithmic revolution and cloud computing are the foundations of the platform economy. But computing power is only the beginning of the story.

  1. Television Without Borders

The Television Without Frontiers Directive (TSF Directive) is the cornerstone of the European Union’s audiovisual policy. It is based on two basic principles:

  1. The free circulation of European television programs in the internal market.
  2. The obligation of television channels to dedicate, whenever possible, more than half of their broadcast time to European works (“production quotas”).

Cliffhanger: A cliffhanger is a narrative device by which a situation of great dramatic tension is created that, however, is interrupted and must be completed later. That’s where its name comes from, which translated means “hanging from the cliff.”

Scripted TV: Television where all the content is scripted.

Showrunner: The showrunner is the person who directs the course of the project from its conception (which is why it must be primarily a writer) to post-production (which is why it must also be a producer), ensuring that the integrity of the project’s vision is maintained during each part of the process.

OTT: Streaming service. Stands for “over-the-top” and refers to technology (OTT services or platforms) that delivers streamed content via internet-connected devices. In mobile marketing, OTT is often discussed specifically within the context of video content.

Quadruple Play Pack: A marketing term that combines the triple play service of broadband Internet access, television and telephony with wireless service features. This set of services is also sometimes known as “Fantastic Four.”

Cord-Cutting: The act or process of canceling a subscription to cable television or to a landline telephone service.

Gatekeeping describes the process of social media platforms or publications filtering information before it’s shared to the public.

The algorithms apply their knowledge of your habits in order to recommend you what you like. They act as gatekeepers, so they decide WHAT and WHEN you will be watching or hearing a content.

Differences Between Gatekeeping and Censorship

Gatekeeping: Managing impact on society. Accuracy. Evidence-based.

Censorship: Deciding to publish or not, based on the value or the harm of society.

Popular Communication Conclusions

  • Role of media: communication practices always played a crucial role in legitimating and reinventing popular culture.
  • Shape popular culture: popular communication engage with and shape popular culture.
  • Accepted: mainstream (tendencies) and popular culture is accepted and consumed by large majorities. It has to be accepted by large majorities to be a popular culture.
  • Two reflections:
  1. Positive attitude for socialization.
  2. Power of institutional leisure activity.
  1. Third Sector Communication
  2. NGOs are companies: they have obligations as any other company.

Objectives, characteristics, challenges: communication always MUST reflect them.

Strategic plan of Comm: As any other co.

Visibility, accomplishments, present and future goals, social media + storytelling, volunteers.
