Understanding Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Business

Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Definition and Impact on Business Effectiveness

Dennis Organ’s seminal 1988 study on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) identified five core behaviors that contribute to group effectiveness. In a business context, exhibiting these behaviors can lead to increased productivity and a more effective work environment. While numerous positive organizational citizenship behaviors exist, Organ’s original five remain highly significant.

Key Organizational Citizenship Behaviors


Altruism is the selfless desire to help others without expecting a reward. In a group setting, altruistic individuals might:

  • Volunteer for special projects
  • Assist colleagues with their work
  • Take on additional tasks to reduce others’ workloads

A common example is an employee offering a ride to a colleague whose car has broken down, without expecting anything in return.


Courtesy involves polite and considerate behavior towards others. In a business context, this includes:

  • Inquiring about personal matters a coworker has previously shared
  • Offering assistance with work-related projects
  • Informing coworkers about prior commitments or potential absences


Sportsmanship is the ability to maintain a positive attitude even when things don’t go as planned or when faced with challenging situations. For example, an employee whose proposal is rejected might demonstrate good sportsmanship by refraining from complaining to colleagues or others who might report their behavior.


Conscientiousness involves self-control and discipline that surpasses minimum requirements. In a business setting, conscientious employees:

  • Consistently meet deadlines
  • Arrive on time
  • Exceed expectations in their work

Civic Virtue

Civic virtue reflects how well an individual represents and supports their organization outside of their official capacity. Examples of civic virtue in a business setting include:

  • Speaking positively about the business to friends and family
  • Participating in company-sponsored events, such as charity walks