Understanding Power: Definitions, Relationships, and Political Organization
Understanding the Concept of Power
Uses of the Word “Power”
- As Domain: Refers to the power or ability that someone has to send something.
- As Strength: Indicates vigor, capacity, or the ability to do something.
- As Possession: Used to indicate that an object belongs to someone.
- As Guidance: It is normally used to refer to guiding or constraining the state.
- As Government: It refers directly to the government of some political groups.
Power and Dominance Relationships
One of the most common uses of the term power refers to the ability of an individual or group of individuals to impose their will on others.
Dominance Relationships
Occur when some subjects are subjected to others.
Forms of Political Organization
- Mastery of one by many: Monarchy and Tyranny
- Mastery of a few by many: Aristocracy and Oligarchy
- Mastery of many by many: Democracy
Mastery of the Laws
Under the perspective of the rule of law, political power is matched by the power that individuals have to act in a coordinated manner to accept the laws that govern them and to designate members who should ensure compliance with them.
Why Disobeying the Law Takes Away Freedom
Why the Exercise of Violence Does Not Imply Power
Coercion, force, or using power tools does not equal power. It is true that without the fear of a complaint to the police or prison, many individuals would not respect the law.
Where Does Political Power Grow?
Political power grows in cities with a degree of complexity.
Difference Between “Power and Strength” and “Power and Violence”
- Power: Always lies in the number of individuals who give others the right to exercise it.
- Violence: Is based on instruments used at the time of implementation.
Principles for Legitimate Violence
- No form of government can rely on its power from the exercise of violence, but from a recognition of the individuals who compose the State.
- Any use of force carried out for political power must pursue the defense of the laws, freedom, and security of citizens. This avoids disaster and abuse of force.
Power and Values
For political power to be accepted, it must be accompanied by a good or a value. This value must appear as a common good.
Main Functions of Political Power
- Resource management
- Safeguarding security
- Enacting laws and monitoring that these are met on an equal footing.
Legitimacy of Political Power by Origin
The individual who has political power has been granted the right to rule through social recognition. This recognition is because they possess certain qualities.
Legitimacy of Political Power According to Their Purposes
The legitimacy of political power rests in the identification of the community with the aim pursued by individuals who hold power.
Legitimacy of Political Power as Forms of Domination
According to Max Weber, those who aspire to power in politics do so either as a means to meet certain purposes or for the feeling of prestige that power gives. For the ruled to be subject to the authority, the rulers must be recognized as legitimate.