Understanding Practical Philosophy: Knowledge, Action, and Values
Practical Philosophy: Understanding Knowledge
Theoretical knowledge: It involves a rational reflection on two fundamental aspects of human experience: the reality of the world (ontology) and the possibility of knowing that world (epistemology).
Practical knowledge: This involves rational reflection departing from objective experience.
Intentional Action Explained
An agent is the person, animal, or thing that carries out the action expressed by the verb. Let’s focus on the human agent. Humans can perform various types of actions:
- Actions we do not propose or control (breathing, snoring).
- Actions we consider conscious and voluntary.
An action is a conscious and intentional operation performed by a human agent with a specific intent or purpose, both individually and collectively. Key elements include:
Child Language (Context)
Any action is set in a context, whether or not it depends on the will of the agent (e.g., the culture into which they are born).
The Reasons
These refer to all the factors and considerations that the agent believes lead to the pursuit of specific purposes.
The Purpose
This constitutes the goal being pursued to accomplish the action and, prior to its launch, forms a projection for the future.
The Implementation
This is the process by which we carry out the action with the aim of realizing the goals we have proposed.
These are all the features or elements that allow you to perform the action.
Unforeseen Consequences
There is always the possibility that this plot will produce unforeseen effects.
Understanding Values
Value can be understood in two ways, depending on the defining point of view:
- According to the criterion of accent that acts. When we always do it from the previous criteria, and we have formed.
- According to the objects and people which we believe will affect the nose action. These objects and persons have qualities that make them valuable to us, and having those qualities in mind will affect the way you act.
On the other hand, when the rates get much importance in the context that produces.
Types of Action and Their Values
Technical Action
This type of action is found in the fields of technology, which is dominated by instrumental values. The ultimate value would be usefulness (e.g., a car should be secure and attractive, but above all, it must be able to move).
Artistic Action
This takes place in different artistic fields, which dominate aesthetic values. The supreme value in this field is beauty, yet there are those who maintain that it would be innovation.
Moral Action
This type of action involves and is dominated by moral values. There are two interpretations of what would be the supreme values: some advocate acting on what one holds to be correct, and others ask how to act properly.
Political Action
This is dominated by political values. Necessarily, there are two conceptions: for some, it must tend to seek the collective good, and for others, seeking power.
Conclusion: The types of actions we are interested in are morality and politics.