Understanding Real Estate Taxes: Nature and Taxable Events
Article 61
Real estate tax is a direct tax of a real character. The taxable event consists of the ownership of real estate, both rural and urban, within the respective municipality. This includes ownership of a real right of usufruct or surface, or an administrative concession to such property or on public services to those who are affected, and the serious value of those properties.
Article 62
For the purposes of this tax, the following shall be considered real estate of an urban nature:
- a) Urban land, declared fit for urbanization by subsidiary legislation, the developer, or assimilated by the autonomous legislation in having the powers inherent in urban land for development in state law.
Land with paved roads or sidewalks, curbs, sewerage, water supply, electricity supply, street lighting, and buildings occupied by urban nature will be regarded as immovable property of an urban nature.
Land being divided against the provisions of farm legislation shall be treated as such, provided that such fractionation distorts agricultural use and does not represent any alteration of the rustic nature of it to other purposes than those of this tax.
- b) The construction of urban nature, understood as:
- The buildings are any elements that are constructed, the places in which they are located, the type of soil in which they were raised, and the use to which they are intended, even if the shape of the building is perfectly portable and even when the land on which they are situated is not in the due of the loop construction, and commercial and industrial installations comparable to them, such as dams, tanks, and landings.
- Urbanization and improvement, such as leveling and those made for the use of open spaces, regarded as such enclosures for markets, outdoor tanks, dams, waterfalls, and reservoirs including the bed of these, the fields or facilities for sport, docks, and parking spaces attached to buildings.
- Other buildings not specifically classified as rustic nature in the following article.
Rule 63
For the purposes of this tax, the following shall be considered real estate of a rustic nature:
- a) Land which does not constitute the city as provided in subparagraph a) of the preceding article.
- b) The construction of rustic nature, understood as the buildings and installations for agriculture, which, located on the grounds of rustic nature, are essential for the development of agricultural, livestock, and forestry.
In no event shall the consideration of buildings for the purposes of this tax, sheds or sheds small entity used in agriculture, livestock, and forestry, on the light and short-lived nature of the materials used in their construction, are unsuitable for use such as increased land use, crop protection, temporary shelter in a deserted cattle or custody of tools and instruments characteristic of the activity they serve and are affected nor have the status of buildings for the purposes of this tax works and improvements incorporated into the land of rustic nature, which are an integral part of their value.