Understanding Regional Emergency Plans and Their Implementation
1. Regional Plans are developed to address general emergencies that may occur in each territorial area of CCAA and lower levels. 2. The territorial plan of the CCAA that may have the status of a master plan will establish the organizational framework of its general territorial area, allowing integration of spatial plans at lower levels. 3. The State Administration will establish organizational procedures to ensure the direction and coordination of regional plans by state authorities in emergency situations of potential national interest. In general, these plans analyze all the risks that occur within a given geographical area (community, municipality, district) and are developed to organize services and provide an appropriate and coordinated response to the emergence of those risks. Special Plans are developed to address risks of a specific nature that require adequate technical-scientific methodology. They have the territorial limits of the specific risk being analyzed. The following risks are addressed: 1) nuclear emergency, 2) war situation, 3) flood, 4) earthquakes, 5) chemical incidents, 6) transport of dangerous goods, 7) forest fires, 8) volcanic incidents, 9) winter incidents. Special Types of Plans: 1) Basic Plans: emergency situations of war and nuclear (both of national interest); 2) Special Plans: a) state or supra-autonomous: establishing mechanisms for the organization of resources and services to ensure the direction and coordination of special plans; b) Autonomous Region: for specific risks in their territories. It can be integrated into the master plan of the autonomous region and establish mechanisms to coordinate with state plans for integration.
PLATERCAM (CM Territorial Plan)
Approved by Decree 85/1992 of 17 December as a Director Plan.
This plan contemplates action alleged territorial responsiveness of the authorities concerned and the activation of higher interests.
As its principal capacity, PLATERCAM requires municipalities with populations of 20,000 to draw up a Municipal Territorial Protection Plan in 4 major areas:
- Organization of the Municipal Civil Protection
- Knowledge of risk and territory
- Preventive actions
- Response actions
The gravity potential is categorized into the following levels:
- Emergency Municipal Level: local response controlled by the CM, performing tasks of monitoring, evaluation, and ensuring the provision of appropriate support.
At this level, the PLATERCAM is activated, and operational direction is provided for the City Council.
1. Municipal Level Emergency Response Requiring Coordination of CAM: response to deployment of resources owned by either CAM or the director of PLATERCAM, assuming the coordination of actions but may delegate to the director of the local plan accordingly. This requires the protection of persons and goods.
2. Emergencies that by Nature or Extent of Risk Severity: likely to exceed the response of Local Government. It is headed by the Director of the CAM plan.
3. Emergencies of National Interest: establishing the Steering Committee and the Plan to designate the Director of the Authority together with the central government, maintaining the coordination of resources allocated and deployed under the plan.
Security Functions of the Group (Police)
This group is responsible for ensuring that the operations of the Plan are conducted under the best conditions for public security and order.
- To ensure public safety and crowd control
- Access control and close airside area of intervention
- Providing traffic management and emergency evacuation operations
- Immediate evacuation of people at risk
- Protection of assets against possible antisocial actions
- Search for victims, working with the intervention group in search and rescue
- Communications system support
- Support for public information dissemination
- Recognition of the area of operations and damage assessment
- Issuing reports to the direction of the Plan
The Security group is constituted by the media’s own direction of Gral de Protección Ciudadana, local police, and Security Forces and Bodies of State.