Understanding Romance, Lyric Poetry, and Villancicos
Romance, Lyric Poetry, and Villancicos
Romance refers to compositions formed by any number of eight-syllable verses where the rhyme pairs together with the odd rhyme, and assonance is free. First romances are from the 14th century but are kept from the 15th and 16th. In the 12th century, it had a cult literary style (new ballad). Traditional theory consists essentially in showing how the minstrels, led by the fatigue that people show to the run, memorize passages that are most interesting and beautiful to the public.
Individualistic theory, defended by authors such as Vossler, says that romance is purely individual by a specific author. Recurring themes include love, death, or violence. The romantic or chivalric romances are also called by other authors of romance, a heterogeneous group of parts that are not tied to a historical event. Romanceros noticieros are derived directly from a historical event. Developments relating to the conquest of Granada are called border. The epic theme events are close or similar to those of the chansons de geste and the chronicles. Exploits of heroes relate Hispanic or French. Romances of old material are those based on literary tradition, recreating episodes of history and legend Greek, Roman, and biblical.
The metric is a variable number of assonance rhyming eight-syllable verses in pairs and frees the odd can also rhyme. Verses of 16 syllables with a caesura dividing two hemistiches, but measures less variables. Romance-tale and romance-scene, in the first case is a long story with introduction, middle, and end. The second prefers a specific episode, sometimes in dialogue, in which the action begins in media res, or the end is not narrated.
Educated in the 12th century, lyrical poetry arose in Provence troubadour poetry, traveled to Catalonia in the next century. It was grown by troubadours, who belonged to distinct social conditions and had a solid training. His compositions for the song were released by the minstrels. August rhyme and verse. Types: tired composition sirventes loving character and is used as an expression of anger. Courtly love was the art of love of courtesy and was understood as a service to the lady, considered superior.
Galician-Portuguese lyric learned are the heirs of Provencal tired both the lexicon used in the presence of certain topics. In the songs of friends, the joy of loving becomes tired torment sadness and love and die are equal. The setting is urban, diverse palate with a metric and strophic division artificial and complex. Songbook of jokes: two types of compositions, the songs of derision, satire veiled and covert personal and songs of cursing. Religious songs work of Alfonso X the Wise.
Learned Arabic and Hebrew lyric is common type of homosexual love, urban setting and there are references to the flora and fauna. The moxaja was written in classical Arabic but was soon adopted by Hispanic-Jewish poets, who used the classical Hebrew. The last stanza is called jarchas. The zejel was made in Arabic dialect and lacked jarcha.
Villancicos: The most common theme is love and coincides with the jarchas and canticles: a girl in love that he laments his situation. Rural environment.