Understanding Sentence Structure: A Comprehensive Guide to Syntactic Analysis

Syntax of the Simple Sentence

· Wordlet like phrase that plays a syntactic role. Types of phrase – noun phrase (NP) à The phrase is based on the type of nucleus .- verb phrase (SV) à The phrase is based on the type of core .- adjectival phrase (S. Adj.) à The phrase is based on the type of nucleus .- Adverbial Phrase (S. Adv.) à The phrase is based on the type of nucleus .- prepositional phrase (S. Prep.) à The 1st word is a preposition. • In the predicate whenever the core is a verb for this is always a SV · All phrases have a nucleus and function. · Serve the function of determining the following keywords: articles, possessive adjectives, adjectives, numerals, adjectives and demonstrative adjectives. · Completion of the name (CN). to him is always a CN S. Prep. (usually headed by the preposition? about) their role is complementary to a name, add information about it, specify it? · SN Subjects are always one exception: a S. Prep. beginning with the preposition? up? o? between?. Example: To Pepe passed that exam. · A is adjacent to the vast majority of the time a S. Adj., The core of the S. Adj. is always an adjective that goes with a name, this close to him and agree in gender and number. Example: A nice house. · Sometimes one is not adjacent S. Adj. but a S. Adv. with adverbs: more, very, little, pretty, nothing and adverbs ending in “” Mind? accompanying an adjective or another adverbio.Vino late. · apposition apposition to a noun phrase is always a name that complements. I will do my homework, my favorite occupation, this afternoon. · Supplement agent (CA). à This function always appears in the predicate is always a S. Prep. headed by the preposition? for?. This function can only occur in passive sentences and notes who is on the acción.El car was repaired by the mechanic. · Supplement Direct (CD). A is always in the verbal predicate is the element that receives the action of the verb directly . · Ways to identify the CD: a) The CD in the active sentence corresponds to the patient subject in the passive sentence. Example: Antonio cut the tree. or the tree was cut by Antonio. b) Insert the CD for the following pronouns: lo, la, los or. Eg Antonio cut it. C) Thumbnail verb question: What do + subject + verb + complement? Eg What do Antonio cut? The tree. · SN CDs are always except in one case in which a S. Prep. headed by the preposition? to? plus a reference person (or living). Antonia called yesterday for Pilar. · Adverbial (CC) à The CC is always in the predicate. Only three types of phrase can play this role and are the SN, S. Adv. and S. Prep. The CC complements to the verb directly adding information about circumstances of his action. The CC can only be in the 2nd level of parsing. Types of Adverbial – CCModo (CCM) à What? – CCTiempo (CST) When? How long? Since when? – CCLugar (CCL) à Where? How far? From where? Where? – CCCausa (CCCau) à Why? – CCFinalidad (CCF) à Why? – CCCantidad (CCCant) à How much? – CCInstrumento (ITC) à What (instrument)? – CCMateria (CCMAT ) à What (matter)? – CCCompañía (CCComp) à Who / is? – CCAfirmación (CCAF) à Yes, also. *- CCNegación (CCNeg) not that either. *- CCDuda (CCDud) à Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps. ** They are known to CC if they contain these words. ·Attribute (ATRIB.) à attribute always appears in the predicate and this must be a predicate (with the verbs ser, estar and apparently). It is only an NP or S. Adj. The Atrib. It tells a characteristic, or quality of the subject. If there is no Atrib. In this predicate can not be rated. Eg Anselm is very nice. · Predicative complement (C. Pred.; PVO) à predicative complement is always a S. Adj. supplementing two sentence elements: first the verb, telling how the action unfolds verbal (answers the question How? made to the verb), second supplement to an NP of the sentence, which may be the subject or CD, with which it agrees in gender and number. Example: The athlete was exhausted at the meta.Compró fresh sardines. · Supplement indirect (CI) to this function always appears in the predicate and indicates who receives the verbal action indirectly. Only can be found in two types of phrases: – S. Prep. (A + reference to animal or person) .- SN (le or les) • The CI can never appear in a sentence without CD except in sentences with subject grammar. Eg Caramel hit a slap to his hermano.Le really like estudios.Agustín yesterday afternoon bought a gold ring to his wife, Frederica. · Supplement (SUPL) to this function always appears in the predicate. Always a S. Prep. directly complements the verb. Eg: Shell talk about their issues. · List of verbs that usually take supplements: Count witha by (someone) be ashamed of Reliance deversa deTratar overconfidence in enJactarse Consisting Détend aCoincidir conFliparse decrees enCoincidir enEnorgullecerse deDisponer deDesistir deQuejarse hindered by conIncurrir enBurlarse deInterceder porCarecer deArrepentirse deProtestar porHablar deAcordarse deProtestar contraConversar deOlvidarse deInfluir enDedicarse aFiarse deAspirar aOcuparse deEtc.