Understanding Sports: From Traditional Games to Modern Competition
1.3. Competitive Sports
Competitive sports are physical activities involving sporting participation, although they can also be practiced for recreation, fitness, and health.
1.3.1. The Concept of Sport
Sports initially emerged for recreational, educational, or utilitarian purposes. Over time, technical and regulatory elements were added, enhancing their competitive aspects. There is no single definition of sport. Several authors have analyzed them to define it:
- For José María Cagigal, sport is a broad concept involving spontaneous fun, disinterested physical exercise and activity, understood as personal improvement and subject to rules.
- For Pierre de Coubertin, who inspired the modern Olympic Games, sport is a cult of voluntary and intensive muscle workout routines based on the desire for progress.
- For Pierre Parlebas, sport is a driving situation characterized by three defining parameters: motor action, regulated competition, and institutionalization.
1.3.2. Modern Sport Origins
Modern sport emerged at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Thomas Arnold is considered the father of modern sport. His educational theories proposed introducing sports games in physical education classes. This popularized sports, leading to the formation of groups, new rules, and a series of competitions.
1.3.3. Traditional Sport
Many popular games, practiced spontaneously for recreation, have become regulated and incorporated into competitions over time.
Traditional sports have a popular origin, are specific to determined geographic areas, and have been passed down through generations. Each region has its own traditional games and sports, forming part of its history.
They can be classified into 6 different sections.
Skill (cuchaña), skill (the bowls, the crossbar), d ball (the pelota and Valencia), d strength (Leon fight, lifting stones d), nautical and aquatic (Chapula, gancheros) and skill in work (the short d logs, crushing grapes .. d)
1.3.4.El adapted sport. It is the physical act regulated the practice q sports attempt to enable people q have a disability.
2.The sports.
2.1.Elementos common core to all sports.
Regulation 2.1.1. Is the main element, q regulates all aspects dl game and competition and determines the main features.
+ Participants: q is an element d determines the basic structure for each sport. Sila is an individual practice, a single participant and if there will be a team collectively.
+ Dl game rules: are the standards set the target q dl game and how you can achieve qs.
+ D score system: to determine the outcome of conpetición d, d regulations of different sports, two systems d score:
D-score code. It gives a score for participants d actions based on observation d some judges.
“The record d results. S results can be recorded as points or through d d mark No time od the distance obtained.
+ The judges or arbitrators. In all sports have the mission to ensure d x dl regulation compliance and sanction misconduct occurring q, d also have the mission to grant a performance score d participants.
2.2.Member sports.
These are sports where q d involving a group of people with common goals, provided d achieve the same purpose sports, following the rules. To analyze the characteristics differentiate two gruppo: sports d-opposition cooperation in the q s colleagues and adversaries vying for a mobile d and sports cooperation, teams in the q, q are acting together, not interfere in the actions d their adversaries.
2.2.1.Deportes d-opposition cooperation.
These are sports where everyone thinks q when referring to sports. Q are based are the joint action n d a team, q is facing an opponent. find multiple items.
“The co / ras form a ekipo and working together to get points.
“The adversaries / qs tions are opposed participants, working together, actions for q dl opposing team fails to score points.
D 2.2.2.Deportes cooperation.
They rely on Equipment dl action, either by adding or sindividuales ACTIONS either simultaneous, coordinated action d dl team members.
In estodo sports participants may be other act d q opponents, but their actions do not interfere and do not develop actions d apposition between participants.
2.3.the individual sports.
Are those where the person q q performs motor actions alone in a room, constantly trying to overcome in order to overcome certain difficulties d. Cooperative actions are not developed but the presence of adversaries d d determine whether there is opposition or no action .. Can be distinguished 2 groups d individual sports are opposition or opposition.
Individual 2.3.1.Deportes unopposed.
They are characterized by the fact the athlete dq acting alone, aunq compete against other participants. Q You can consider these sports adversary xq no ay d actions are independent participants.
Individual 2.3.2.Deportes opposition.
They are characterized by the fact dq x sportsman acts directly against the adversary, whose shares abstaculizar.td try adversary is called sport.