Understanding Steel Production and Pneumatic Systems
Get steel: Fe gets the cast to separate slag from blast furnaces and the cast of Faith. If you want to cast the Faith, it gets cast as the other ovens cubilot for descarburarlo and reducing impurities. Oxygen Recipes: Cylinders in a trunk conical shape internally coated with ceramic refractory, open mouth with loads of pearl part superior. Fe.colat + junk inside, and the flame introduces pure oxygen under pressure to reduce the level of impurities causing reactions that maintain fluid at high electric temperatures. Furnace: Recipe for steel cooling circuit H2O and externally coated ceramic refractory. It closes with a cover of 3 graphite electrodes. You enter FEC + + calç. Junk ‘download and apply the iron and the increase of Ferrales temperature. Then, elements are added with those who want to make very accurate alloys. Control: Temperature and composition of steel. Procedures for Solidifying Steel: Strain it into a mold to cool, or channels where the shape of bar section rectangular reaches the hot section of lamination without having to reheat. Thermal Treatments: Submit the steel to controlled changes by the temperature to vary the proportions of their constituents.
- Tremp: Obtaining large stainless steel composition martensitic.
- Escalfr: Back to austenite and rapid cooling back to martensitic.
- Revingut: Avoiding formation of 723 austenite and cooling in air, enhancing tenacity and serving to improve mechanical properties.
- Recuita: Reduced hardness and increased elasticity to deform steel, making it easier to work.
Types of Annealing:
- Regeneration: (> 0.6% C)
- Globular Supercritical: (alloy steel, tool) against bitterness, softening.
- Normalizing: Heating until austenitization and cooling in air (with tempering).
Granular Structure: Serves to refine, reduce large steel, eliminating internal tensions caused by deformation.
Compressors: Rotating mechanisms driven by electric motors or internal combustion engines, whose function is to suck air at atmospheric pressure and compress it to a higher pressure. Features: Supplied flow and pressure. Rating: Volumetric compressors and dynamic compressors. Volumetric Compressors: The pressure is achieved by reducing the space that contains air at atmospheric pressure (rotary and reciprocating compressors). Dynamic Compressors: The compression is achieved by transforming the speed of the expelled air into pressure (turbochargers). Turbocharging Characteristics: They provide a large flow of fluid at low pressure, so they are hardly used in pneumatics. Pneumatic Actuators: Devices that transform compressed air pneumatic energy into mechanical work for operating machines and mechanisms (cylinders, rotational actuators, pneumatic motors). Pneumatic Cylinders: Are alternative rectilinear motion actuators that transform the energy contained in the compressed air into mechanical work (simple effect, double effect, special) (W = PS A · H).
Simple Effect Cylinder: It has an entrance lobby and effort in developing a unique sense; the movement of the piston due to the pressure of compressed air takes place in a single direction. Double Effect Cylinder: The compressed air exerts its action in both chambers of the cylinder, allowing work to be done in both directions of movement. Rotational Actuators: Used when a drive angle is needed. Its basic parameters are the torque and rotated angle. Pneumatic Motors: Transform pneumatic energy into mechanical energy of rotation, are insensitive to heat, dust, humidity, and vibrations. They are very appropriate for explosive atmospheres (even at high revolutions). Hydraulic Pumps: These are devices used to convert mechanical energy into hydraulic fluid, causing movement along the pipe installation (hydrostatic and hydrodynamic). Hydrodynamic Pumps: They work usually by centrifugal force. The fluid is expelled into the shaft through the interior of an element that rotates at high speed (turbine type pumps) and are used to move fluids in applications where a small advance is needed because the pressure is small but can move large volumes of fluid. Hydrostatic Pumps: They provide the same amount of liquid each cycle or revolution of the pumping element, independent of the pressure circuit (oscillating and rotary). Pump Features: Pressure: The nominal value of maximum continuous working pressure for a given speed. Flow: The product of the cylinder, multiplied by the number of cycles or revolutions per unit time. Volumetric Yield: The relationship between actual flow and theoretical flow. External Gear Pumps: Produce transported fluid flow between the teeth of two fully assembled gears. Vane Pumps: Another type of hydraulic pump that can be fixed or variable, working under pressure between 0 and 14 bar at speeds of 500 to 3000 rpm. Piston Pumps: Hydrostatic rotary pumps that use the principle of oscillating pumps to produce flow (radial piston and axial piston). Difference: The provision of on-axis piston pump radial direction was in the turning radius, and the axial direction was at the axis of rotation. Hydraulic Motors: These are elements that transform hydraulic power into mechanical rotary motion (piston engines, gear, and vane).