Understanding Teen Dating Violence: Statistics and Resources

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Statistics and Facts

Statistics indicate that 50% of teenage boys and 35% of teenage girls believe there are situations where hitting a woman is justified. Furthermore, 36% of boys admitted they might hit a woman if circumstances arise.

Resources for Teachers

A toolkit is available for teachers to help them address the subject of dating violence in their classes.

This toolkit covers not only physical violence but also verbal abuse.

Missy Elliott has shared personal stories about her experiences in an abusive relationship.

Key Terms

  • Dating Violence: An abusive relationship.
  • Figures: Numbers.
  • Awareness Campaign: An effort to raise public knowledge about a specific issue.
  • Urged: Encouraged.
  • Aim: Objective.
  • Threats: Statements expressing that something bad will happen to a person.
  • Helplines: A telephone service offering advice about a certain matter.
  • Risky: Dangerous.

Word Forms

  • Abuse – Abuse / abuser – abusive – abusively
  • Shock – shock – shocked / shocking – shockingly
  • Reject – rejection – rejectable – rejectably
  • Risk – risk – risky – riskily
  • Sing – song / singing – singable / sung – N/A
  • Endanger – danger – endangered / dangerous – dangerously
  • Respect – respect – respectful – respectfully
  • Accept – acceptance – acceptable – acceptably
  • N/A – physic / physical – physical – physically
  • N/A – gray – Grey / greyish – N/A
  • Rap – rap / rapper – rapping / rapped – N/A
  • N/A – seriousness – serious – seriously
  • Lead – leader – led / leading – N/A

Sentence Corrections

  1. He has been judging rape defendants for 10 years. Furthermore, his penalties used to be harsh.
  2. Although that gang was smuggling counterfeit money, the inspectors were interrogating them as bribery suspects.
  3. The defendant could have kidnapped the wrong person. However, the jurors’ verdict was guilty.
  4. This is a personal matter, so I ought to help much more with the house chores.
  5. There were so many dishes, knives, forks, and spoons on the floor that I think my grandparents’ kittens must have been playing for hours.
  6. The burglars of the chalet could have entered at night, as there have always been people at the house during the day.

Sentence Transformations

  1. Paul McCartney has been writing music for fifty years.
  2. Sarah should have done what I told her to.
  3. So long was his list of students that listing them took him five minutes.
  4. I know a religion whose followers shall not wear hats or anything on their heads.
  5. My clever brother should have completed his high school studies if it weren’t for his laziness.
  6. Since I saw Jackie’s mother last month, she has been quite healthy.
  7. Charles’s text is so long next week that his teachers are very upset with him.
  8. Philip should have achieved what he wished.
  9. You should study more since you failed the exam, and it wasn’t difficult at all.
  10. When we arrived, our room was untidy, and the drawers were opened. Some burglars must have entered our home.

Modal Verbs

  1. You shouldn’t have rushed your choice of university.
  2. I should have put more effort into my maths lessons.
  3. I needn’t do homework today because I finished it last week.
  4. He must have been in too much pain, as he was crying a lot.

Questions with Patrick

  1. Is Patrick going to help you?
  2. Isn’t Patrick helping you?
  3. Had Patrick been helping you?
  4. Did Patrick help you?
  5. Patrick doesn’t have to help you.
  6. Patrick can’t help you.
  7. Would Patrick have helped you?
  8. Patrick is about to help you.
  9. Patrick must have been helping you.
  10. Excuse me, Patrick, could you help me?