Understanding the Big Bang and the Universe’s Evolution

Scene I: The Chaos

The Chaos.

What Was There Before?

There is no way to indicate a theory about what happened before the Big Bang. And we’re not sure what they had or if there really was something before the Big Bang.

What is the Problem for the Precise Origin of the Universe?

The problem in determining the exact origin of the universe is that the current laws of physics are not absolute laws. Therefore, they cannot be applied throughout the universe, if not in certain states of matter and a limited range of temperatures.

Where Does the Name “Big Bang” Come From?

“Big Bang” is the name given to the theory that argues that the universe was formed from an explosion. This gave rise to the universe we know today and has been scientifically demonstrated. The name was given as a kind of mockery of the church, which says that the universe is made by divine hands and is not intended to be proven.

Explain and Comment on This Phrase: “The Telescope is a Machine to Go Back in Time.”

This phrase refers to the fact that if you see a galaxy a thousand light years away through a telescope, you’re seeing this galaxy as it was a thousand years ago. This is due to the time it takes light to travel from that galaxy to your telescope.

What are the “Fossils” of Space?

The relic radiation that issued from the universe when it was at very high temperatures. It is a vestige of light in the form of radio-millimeter waves coming from all parts of the sky. When detected by antennas, the waves show the oldest part of the universe.

Scene II: The Universe is Organized

The Universe is Organized.

Make a Brief Outline of the Process of Organizing the Universe. Is There an “Intent” of Nature?

Nature tends to organize the universe, from the initial chaos to an organization of more complex matter.

Why are Stars Spherical?

The stars are spherical because the force of gravity shapes bodies in space in a liquid state, in this case, a star.

Small bodies do not have enough gravity to attract bodies fast enough so that they are based upon impact with the main body so the matter is not hot enough to melt and gives rise to a body fluid for the gravity to pull it a spherical shape.

Why Don’t Stars Fall Over Each Other? What About the Galaxies?

The centrifugal force balances gravity, but in the case of stars and galaxies, it is due to the expanding universe and the initial momentum.

Scene III: Earth!

In What Way Do Stars Make Carbon and Oxygen? Why Not Think of That at the Time of the Big Bang?

When the temperature of the universe was a hundred million degrees, several nuclear reactions occurred in which three helium atoms are associated to form carbon, and four atoms of helium lead to oxygen.

This situation lasted very little time at the beginning of the Big Bang, only a few minutes, and these reactions need many millions of years to produce enough carbon and oxygen.

Define These Concepts:

  • Red Giant: When the core of a star is compressed, its atmosphere expands and turns red, then leads to a red giant.
  • Supernova: The core of a star collapses in on itself, then the nuclei of atoms come into contact, and that produces the explosion of the star.
  • White Dwarf: Is the end product of a star like the sun, are very dense and bright compared to its size.

What are the First Solids that if the Universe Originate?

They are silicon, oxygen, and iron.

Why is Carbon so Important?

It is very important because it will play an important role in the early stages of prebiotic evolution.