Understanding the Book of Exodus: Themes and Symbols


  • Decalogue: The Ten Commandments.
  • Eucharist: A Christian ceremony involving the sharing of bread and wine, representing the body and blood of Jesus.
  • Passover: A Jewish holiday celebrating the Israelites’ freedom from slavery in Egypt.
  • Covenant: A sacred agreement between God and people.
  • Prophecy: A message about the future from God.
  • Burning Bush: A bush that burned without being consumed, where God spoke to Moses.
  • Disciples: Followers of Jesus who learned from him.
  • Prophets: People chosen by God to deliver messages or warnings.
  • Exodus: The journey of the Israelites out of Egypt.
  • Code: A set of rules or laws.
  • Plagues: Disasters or diseases sent by God to challenge Egypt in the Exodus story.
  • Torah: The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, containing laws and teachings.
  • Sign of God’s Love: A symbol or action showing that God cares for people.
  • Pillars of Clouds and Fire: Guides for the Israelites in the desert, representing God’s presence.
  • The Call: God’s invitation to someone to take on a special mission or task.
  • Idolatry: Worshiping idols or false gods instead of the true God.

Key Events in the Book of Exodus

  • Pharaoh’s oppression
  • The call of Moses
  • The Ten Plagues:
    • Water to blood
    • Frogs
    • Gnats
    • Flies
    • Animal disease
    • Boils
    • Hail
    • Locusts
    • Darkness
    • Death of the firstborn
  • The Passover
  • Exodus
  • Passover food: Matzah, maror, karpas

The Ten Commandments

In the Book of Exodus, God gives the Israelites the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.

Central Themes of Exodus

  • Freedom: The Israelites’ escape from Egypt.
  • Agreement: God’s covenant with the Israelites.
  • Worship: How to worship God.
  • Guidance: God’s guidance of the Israelites in the desert.

The Covenant of Noah

In the covenant of Noah, God destroys life, which resulted in Noah’s Ark.

The symbol God made after destroying the land of the Israelites was a rainbow, representing His promise not to flood the earth again.

A covenant is a sacred agreement or promise between God and His people.

Four Conditions of a Covenant

  1. Commitment: Both parties must agree to follow the terms.
  2. Obedience: The people must obey God’s laws.
  3. Faithfulness: Both parties must remain loyal to each other.
  4. Blessings and Consequences: Rewards for obedience and consequences for breaking the covenant.

The covenant changed the Israelites by making them God’s chosen people with laws to follow, giving them a sense of identity and responsibility.

The Decalogue

The Decalogue is another name for the Ten Commandments, which are moral laws given by God to guide how people should live.

The Plagues

The plagues caused suffering, loss of animals, destruction of crops, and led to the death of firstborns, forcing the Egyptians to free the Israelites.

Modern-Day Plagues

Three examples of modern-day plagues are:

  1. COVID-19: A global pandemic affecting health and economies.
  2. HIV/AIDS: A widespread health crisis impacting millions.
  3. Malaria: A disease caused by mosquitoes that affects many in tropical regions.

The Beatitudes

Here are the Beatitudes and their characteristics:

  1. Poor in spirit: Needing God.
  2. Those who mourn: Comforting the sad.
  3. Meek: Being humble.
  4. Hunger for righteousness: Wanting what is right.
  5. Merciful: Being kind and forgiving.
  6. Pure in heart: Being sincere.
  7. Peacemakers: Making peace.
  8. Persecuted for righteousness: Staying strong for what is right.

Themes in Exodus

Here’s a simple explanation of the themes in Exodus:

  1. Slavery: The Israelites are oppressed as slaves in Egypt.
  2. Exodus: The journey of the Israelites as they leave Egypt for freedom.
  3. Covenant: God’s promise to the Israelites, giving them laws to follow.
  4. Pillars of Cloud and Fire: God’s presence guiding the Israelites in the desert.
  5. Plagues: The disasters sent to Egypt to persuade Pharaoh to free the Israelites.
  6. Decalogue: The Ten Commandments given to guide the Israelites’ behavior.

Themes of Exodus in “Hidden Figures”

In “Hidden Figures,” the themes of Exodus appear as:

  1. Liberation: The women seek equality, like the Israelites seeking freedom.
  2. Covenant: They support each other, creating a strong community.
  3. Guidance: Mentors help them through challenges.
  4. Identity: They show their worth and abilities, like the Israelites finding their identity.