Understanding the Economy: Principles and Dimensions
It must be based on freedom, security, equality, and justice for the distribution of wealth, which we call freedom. It is the science that studies human behavior as a relationship between objectives and resources applied. Buying leads to happiness as well as moving the economy, whose resources are scarce.
Economic Good
The main nature, many are drawn directly, but other human beings are manufactured from these. Then, the goods industry helps put them on the market soon. There’s a philosophical difference between necessary and superfluous goods.
The economy is the fundamental human right that transforms material goods and should be free. But, it would be called forced if the human being has the right to work and its fruit would be separate alienation from their work.
Money and Trade
The economy is not only producing goods; services are also bought and sold as it is an essential economic activity. The division of labor, to do all of everything, is based on exchange: commodity for another, or work, or goods with exchange value as money. The balance between supply and demand is price. Money measures the value that is given in society. If prices are low, it’s called inflation.
Economic Theory
Economic liberalism in the regulated market without the intervention of the state, capitalism, and private property without limitation. The economy as a human science is not an exact science. In advanced countries, there are economies of liberal market inspiration with high government intervention and social security.
Socialism and Communism
Karl Marx opted for the socialization of the economy (abolition of private property):
- With a dictatorship of the proletariat.
- Second classless society.
- The state would disappear, called historical materialism.
When it was applied, skewing the production and distribution of goods and the dictatorship of the proletariat, and HR decreased freedoms.
Science, Technology, and Economy
Growing science applications are developed scientific techniques that allow an improvement in the production and distribution of goods and services and give rise to business. Philosophically, the instruments are neutral; neither improve nor worsen the human being. It is not a question of means but of ends.
Ethical Dimension of the Economy: Weaknesses in the Liberal Vision
It does not eradicate poverty because it is always part of the interest. Science is not about good intentions, but of measurable behaviors, which give an explanation and a prediction. The average human behavior is more selfish than supportive. The economy moves into abstract levels to arrive at general statements. The economy is not a natural science, but human culture influences the theoretical approaches. Helping the needy was tested, and the beneficiary would have to do the same with others. Adam Smith said the economy is for their own interest but always based on the correspondence; all in society make the contribution and personal responsibility at work. If all humans are equal by nature, they have the same rights and duties concerning the ownership of nature, but the reality is that between rich and poor countries, the difference is greater.
The internationalization of the economy, their trade and their markets, large companies are multinationals, use the lowest labor from other countries, reaches ¾ of the world population and the other ¼ is harmed by disadvantages.
Groups that are against globalization.