Understanding the European Union: Institutions and Law

Lisbon Treaty

  • More effective: Simpler procedures, permanent chairman of the congress.
  • More democratic: Increased European Parliament powers and citizen initiative. Includes Charter of Fundamental Rights.
  • More transparent: Clarifies the role of each institution, greater access for citizens.
  • More united on the world stage: High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
  • More secure: Combating climate change and terrorism.

The European Union is the largest provider of development aid.

European Commission

27 independent commissioners, one from each European country.

  1. Control: Ensures the smooth operation of the provisions.
  2. Initiative: Formulates proposals. Indirect initiative: exclusive competence of the Union. Delegated initiative: The EC proposes.
  3. Implementation: Adopts measures adopted by the Council and Parliament and puts them into practice.
  4. Representation: Represents the EU on international stages. The President appoints the board, which is then ratified by Parliament.

European Council Summit

Heads of state meet three times a year to establish guidelines leading to the process of European integration.

Council of Ministers

One minister from each country. Rotating six-monthly presidency. Approves EU legislation and budget jointly with the Parliament. Manages common foreign and security policy.

European Parliament

Approves laws and the EU budget jointly with the Council. Provides democratic oversight of the work of the EU.

European Legislation

  1. Citizens, interest groups: Discussion and consultation.
  2. Commission: Proposal submission.
  3. Parliament and Council of Ministers: Joint decision.
  4. National or local authorities: Application.
  5. Commission and Court of Justice: Monitoring implementation.

Court of Justice

27 independent judges, one from each country. Interprets EU law. Ensures the implementation of legislation in all member states. First Instance Treaties were created because the Court was overwhelmed.

European Court of Auditors

27 independent members. Verifies the correct use of the budget. Can investigate organizations that receive EU funds.

European Economic and Social Committee

344 members representing unions, employers, farmers, and consumers. Issues opinions on legislation and EU policies. Encourages the participation of social partners in EU affairs.

Committee of the Regions

344 members representing municipalities and regions. Encourages the participation of local governments in EU affairs.

Ioannina Compromise

When a qualified majority vote (23 out of 26 states) intends to oppose a resolution, efforts are made to reach a solution. A minimum of 68 out of 87 votes is required for adoption.

Statement of Allocation

The Union acts within the limits of the powers assigned to it by the Treaty.

Subsidiarity Principle

Applies to shared competences. The objectives are to be achieved at the European level, but states and national parliaments will be monitoring.

Principle of Primacy and Direct Applicability

In areas where the EU has exclusive competence, legislation must be published in the Official Journal of the EU. This law is above national law.

  • Primary system: Constitutive treaties (Treaty of Rome, Nice, Lisbon, etc.).
  • Derivative law: Flows from the primary system.
  • Regulations: Are binding in their entirety and directly applicable in member states.
  • Directives: Bind all member states addressed in the results to be obtained. States can adapt their national legislation.
  • Decisions: Apply to individual events; only the recipient states must comply.
  • Recommendations: They are not mandatory.