Understanding the General Epistles: Key Themes and Insights

General Epistles: Key Themes and Insights

Scholars’ Perspective on the General Epistles

Scholars often refer to these books as the “Catholic Epistles,” meaning general, universal, or addressed to the whole church.

Roman Reaction to Early Christians

The Roman authorities accused the Christians of secretly plotting against the government because they talked of freedom in Christ and appeared to want to overthrow the government.

Addressing False Teachers

How would you address false teachers? I would teach the correct doctrines by correcting the false ideas and rebuking heretics in love.

Author’s Purpose in Hebrews

The author aimed to turn their attention to Christ since they were backsliding and seriously considering returning to the old forms of sacrificial worship. He also wanted to encourage them to hold on to their faith in Christ, for He provides a greater way of worship.

Christ’s Superiority to Moses

Why is Christ considered superior to Moses? Christ, through His atoning sacrifice, delivered God’s people from the devil and made them part of God’s family. His ministry was unlimited. In contrast, Moses delivered Israel out of Pharaoh’s bondage, and his ministry was limited.

The author stresses two things:

  • Honor: Since Jesus, the builder of the house, is worthy to receive more honor than the house itself, believers belong to God’s household.
  • Position: Christ, as the Son, holds an exalted position over all others in the house.

The Christian’s Rest

This is a kind of rest that brings peace with God’s people and an inheritance in heaven.

Melchizedek: A Type of Christ

Who was Melchizedek? He was the King of Salem and the first priest mentioned in the Bible.

Why does the author use him as an example? Because he identifies him as the priest of God Most High and as a type of Christ.

The Importance of Blood in the Old and New Testaments

Explain the importance of blood in the Old Testament covenant. It symbolized redemption through the death of an innocent animal.

Is blood important in the New Testament covenant? Use scripture to support your answer. No, because when Christ died on the cross, He was the perfect sacrifice, and nothing else is needed (Hebrews 9:25-28).

Mount Sinai and Mount Zion: A Comparison

Why does the author use these two examples? To show that one is earthly, with false and temporary things, while the other is heavenly, with eternal and permanent things.

Lessons from James’ Humility

James did not describe himself by title or as a brother of Jesus. What lesson can church leaders learn from his example? That the highest calling and position in Christian leadership is to be a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

God: Not the Author of Evil

How can we know that God is not the author of evil? Because evil is not in His nature. He is Holy and cannot be tempted by evil nor have anything to do with it. He is also good and does not use evil to tempt anyone since He only wants good for His people.

The Main Cause of Quarrels According to James

What is the main cause of quarreling and fighting in the church that James addressed? It was selfish desires.

Important Teachings of James

Choose two of the most important teachings of James for your situation. Explain why these are important. Faith and action, because to me, faith without good deeds is dead, and true faith transforms our conduct as well as our thoughts.

Foreknowledge vs. Predestination

What is the difference between God’s foreknowledge and predestination? Foreknowledge means to know or be aware of something before it happens or exists. Predestination means to determine something before it happens.

Understanding Our Identity in Christ

What does it mean to you personally to be God’s chosen people? These are the brothers and sisters in Christ.

A royal priesthood? These are believers who are more than earthly priests.

A holy nation? These are those who have been dedicated to God.

God’s possession? These are those who have been saved/redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Submission in the Christian Life

In Peter, we read about God’s grace and submission. Peter instructs his readers in areas of submission. List four of them with a brief explanation:

  • Submission to Masters
  • Submission to Authority
  • Submission in the Home
  • Submission in the Church

Peter’s Use of Two Names

Why does the author of Peter use two names? He wanted his readers to know how Jesus Christ had changed his life.

Living as Salt and Light: James’ Advice

The author of James gives his readers much advice about being salt and light in the world. He instructs them on how to live by giving several commands. List six of them:

  • Warn believers to watch what they say.
  • Instruct them to be patient during trials and temptations.
  • Instruct them to be kind to their spiritual brothers and sisters.
  • Encourage Christians to be wise and to have the right attitudes.
  • Point out the importance of prayer and the restoration of sinners.
  • Rebuke Christian business people for holding wrong attitudes in the marketplace.

Peter’s Reference to Paul’s Letters

Why does Peter mention Paul’s letter to the church? He wanted to add authority to his own teaching.

What final advice does he give? He offers a warning and some spiritual advice. He warns his readers to avoid dangerous men and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. He also gives a doxology.

Jude’s Instructions: Remember and Build

Jude gives his readers two kinds of instructions: “remember” in verse 17 and “build yourselves up” in verse 20.

The Christian Inheritance

The Christian inheritance is salvation.

Offerings to God

Bodies, praises, good works, and money.