Understanding the Second Spanish Republic: Autonomy, Elections, and Reforms
The Second Spanish Republic: A Historical Overview
Autonomy: According to the established constitution, Catalonia, the Basque Country, and Wales drafted their statutes of autonomy.
Events: Catalonia gained extensive legislative and judicial powers, as well as control over public order, within limits defined by the state.
BASC: The Basque Statute was approved during the Civil War.
Galician: In 1932, Galicia already had a draft statute. During the Biennium Black (1933-1936), Azaria fell, Alcalá-Zamora dissolved the courts, and elections were called in November.
The Rise of the Right Wing
Power to the Right: The right wing, including JONS, FE, and CEDA, gained momentum. The 1933 elections favored the right and center because the left was divided, while the right presented a united front.
October Revolution of 1934
October Revolution 1934: The PSOE and UGT initiated a general strike and armed insurrection in Asturias. The revolution resonated in Madrid and Catalonia, leading to repression and the abolition of the Catalan state.
The 1936 Elections
Election 36: Following the crisis of 1934, the center-right governments were weakened by repression, imprisonment, lawsuits, and bans affecting the government press. The Lerroux government resigned, and elections were proclaimed for February 16. Public opinion was divided: the left presented a united coalition (Popular Front), while the right could not unite. Public order deteriorated as the right denied changes and decentralized unions and reformist parties, while the left proposed a revolution.
The Republic’s Foundation
Republic: Following the resignation of Primo de Rivera, King Alfonso XIII commissioned General Damaso Berenguer to form a new government.
The Pact of San Sebastian
The Pact of San Sebastian: This alliance between Republicans and some monarchists agreed on the suppression of the monarchy, the proclamation of the republic, and the creation of a provisional government. This led to insurrections by some army units and a general strike.
Proclamation and Context
Proclamation of the Republic: In 1931, municipal elections favored Republican candidates. Alfonso XIII went into exile in France, and the Second Republic was created amidst a national crisis.
Demographic and Economic Factors
Demographics: There was a falling birth rate and mortality rate, urban concentration, and decreased migration.
Economy: The economic crisis (stemming from the 1929 crash) impacted the important agricultural sector, but the industry did not experience a major crisis.
Society and Mentality
Society and Mentality: There was significant income inequality, high illiteracy rates, and a clash between traditional and reformist mentalities (roughly 50% traditionalism, 50% reformism).
The Reformist Biennium (1931-1933)
Reformist Biennium (1931-1933): The government was in the hands of center-left forces.
Provisional Government and Reforms
Provisional Government: Led by Alcalá-Zamora, it proposed reforms in the army, church, education, and agriculture. Key actions included the creation of Assault Guards (armed republican police force), secularizing education to combat illiteracy, creating new schools and hiring more teachers, and implementing reforms in the agricultural sector.
The Republican Constitution of 1931
Republican Constitution: The 1931 elections resulted in a victory for center-left forces. The new constitution enshrined secular values, anticlericalism, and universal suffrage (including women’s right to vote).
Constitutional Government (1931-33)
Constitutional Government (1931-33): The Agrarian Reform Law (1932) made available land in the state. This led to agitation in the Andalusian countryside and an attempted coup d’état by General José Sanjurjo.