Understanding Unemployment, Inflation, and Investment

Understanding Key Economic Indicators

Labor Force Dynamics

Employed: Individuals currently holding a job.

Unemployed: Individuals actively seeking employment.

Not in the Labor Force: Individuals neither employed nor actively seeking employment.

Labor Force: Employed + Unemployed (actively seeking a job).

Activity Rate (Participation Rate): (Workforce / Overall Population) * 100.

Unemployment Rate: (Number of Unemployed / Workforce) * 100.

Types of Unemployment

  • Frictional Unemployment: Normal unemployment due to individuals transitioning between jobs (e.g., leaving a job for personal reasons).
  • Structural Unemployment: Unemployment caused by fundamental changes in the economy’s structure, affecting specific sectors.
  • Cyclical Unemployment: Unemployment resulting from economic downturns or recessions, impacting multiple sectors.


Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices (an overall increase, but not necessarily in all prices).

Calculating Inflation Rate: ((Pt – Pt-1) / Pt-1) * 100

Inflation Rate Indices

  1. Producer Price Index (PPI): Measures price changes from the seller’s perspective (monthly).
  2. Consumer Price Index (CPI): Measures the price changes from the consumer’s perspective (monthly).
  3. GDP Deflator: (Nominal GDP / Real GDP) (annual basis) – considered the most accurate measure.

Types of Inflation

  1. Moderate Inflation: Single-digit inflation (0-9%).
  2. Galloping Inflation: Double-digit inflation.
  3. Hyperinflation: Extremely high and out-of-control inflation.

Economic Impact of Inflation

  • Income and wealth redistribution.
  • Reduced economic efficiency.

Shoe Leather Cost: The cost of time and effort spent trying to counteract the effects of inflation.

Menu Cost: The cost to a firm resulting from changing its prices.

Phillips Curve

The Phillips Curve illustrates the short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment.

Inertial Rate of Inflation: Approximately 2% or less.

Natural Rate of Unemployment: The unemployment rate when the economy is at its potential, primarily consisting of frictional unemployment. NAIRU (Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment).

Investment (Firms)

Investment leads to changes in aggregate demand and affects the business cycle.

Investment impacts short-run output through aggregate demand and long-run output growth through capital formation and aggregate supply.

Investment includes:

  1. Purchase of buildings (where production takes place).
  2. Equipment (production tools).
  3. Additions to stock of output and input.

Why Businesses Invest

Businesses invest when they expect the investment to generate profits, meaning revenues greater than the cost of the investment.

Key Elements of Investment Decisions

  1. Revenues: Investment increases revenue if it helps the firm sell more products. Investment is sensitive to the business cycle.

  2. Costs: The cost of investing, including interest rates and taxes, influences investment decisions.

  3. Expectations: Business investments involve weighing present costs against uncertain future profits. Investment is a gamble on the future state of the economy.

The Investment Demand Curve

The investment demand curve shows the relationship between interest rates and investment.

Firms compare annual revenues from an investment with the annual cost of capital, which depends on the interest rate. The difference between annual revenue and annual cost is the annual net profit.

When annual net profit is positive, the investment is profitable, and vice versa.

The investment demand schedule connects the level of investment spending to the interest rate.