Understanding Verses, Poems, and Lyrical Forms

The verses are metrical combinations that have a fixed structure on the number of lines, their extent, the kind of rhyme, and its distribution.

Key Verse Forms:

  • Couplet: Two lines of stanza art more or less together in rhyming assonance or consonant. AA, aa.
  • Trio: Stanzas three major art verses that rhyme in a consonant according to different patterns. It is often presented as a series enshrined for the rhyme (Tercets Chains).
  • Quartet: Four-line stanza rhyming major art in a consonant.

A poem is a complete message written in verse.

Types of Poem:

  • Stanzas: Strophic poems are those that are formed by one or more stanzas. Examples include the sonnet and stanza poems with refrain.
  • No Stanzas: Strophic poems are those that are formed by series of lines that are not grouped in stanzas. Among the highlights of strophic poems is romance.

Free Verse: Used in modern poetry, free verse is that which is not composed of a fixed scheme. The poem “The power of words” is an example of free verse. In the compositions written in free verse, rhythm is achieved through repetition of words and sentence structures or reiteration of ideas.

Copulative sentences are sentences predicate (verb to be, be, or appear + attribute)

Predicative sentences are verbal predicate sentences

A verb can be in active voice or passive voice

Active sentences are those sentences that have predicate an acting subject and a verb in the active voice

Passive sentences are those sentences that have predicate a subject and a verb in the passive voice

They are passive reflects the predicative sentences carrying a subject in active voice (sold, it is accepted ..)

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Belong to the lyrical work composed in verse in which the author expresses firsthand their feelings, ideas, or beliefs, especially using suggestive language.

Popular lyrics are frequently large and universal, like love or death nature, but also an abundance of motives and circumstances related. Steer clear of those compositions.

The popular lyrical style is characterized by a single and a heightened pace. Common lines of art less and stylistic resources based on the reiteration.

Forms of Popular Lyric

Dominated by short verses:

  • The song is a lesser art 4 verses rhyming assonance in pairs (-aa)
  • The sole is a stanza of three lines of rhyming assonance less art in odd (-aa)
  • The streak is a stanza of four lines, seven-syllable and five syllables, rhyming assonance in pairs (7-July 5-5a)

They belong to the cult lyric poetic texts written in order to express the emotions and vision of the world by an author.

The style is often more elaborate than the popular lyric and preferences are determined by the aesthetic of each season and each author.

And the metric is high art.

Lyric Genres of Cultured

  • The ode is a poem of high and solemn tone, usually written in praise of something or someone.
  • Eclogue is a love affair composition found in a host-seeking pastoral.
  • The elegy is a poem which expresses grief at a misfortune, usually a person’s death.

Transitive sentences are sentences that have predicate a verb in active voice and a direct object.

Sentences are intransitive predicative sentences with a verb in active voice and direct object are not.