Understanding Visual Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech

Visual Metaphor

In which the qualities of an object are used to highlight another object’s qualities.

Visual Antithesis

Two opposing elements are bound and/or merged to achieve a single goal.

Visual Ellipsis

A single item or piece stands out among all others.

Visual Synecdoche

The picture is cut, but the concept is still recognizable.

Visual Hyperbole

The element is exaggerated. It exalts or magnifies the image; it should display the best possible detail.

Visual Economics

The images appear small; it reinforces the concept of saving. There is a small amount of detail, and care is taken to strengthen the size.

Visual Periphrasis

It is a comparison between the simple and the complex.

Multiplicity or Visual Repetition

The elements are repeated several times in the same way. This rhetoric serves to apply concepts of quantitative and qualitative abundance.

Visual Metonymy

Designating one thing with the name of another; there can be cause-effect relationships.

Object and Visual Story

Image sequence, a story, an ending that shows a benefit.

Visual Fantasy

Unreal, fictional, or fantastical elements are used in the image.

Visual Fable

Drama, animation, and fantasy elements achieve a sweeping effect.


It comes in the form of a false conundrum because the similarity of images is such that it cannot be answered.


Similarity of product form and with different characters, with an accumulation of users of a product, such as a mother and son using the same product: sunscreen.

Important Facts

  1. Where is the sailboat-shaped hotel located, and what is its name?
    Burj al Arab Hotel, located in the Persian Gulf, 17km south of Dubai, capital of the UAE.
  2. What is the height of the Petronas Towers, and where are they located?
    In Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. Height of 452m (88 floors).
  3. What is the most famous museum in the city of Madrid?
    Museo del Prado.
  4. Inside the museum, there are works by Goya, and one of his works is a mythological character devouring his children. What is the name of the painting?
    Saturn Devouring His Son.
  5. Where is the famous painting The Mona Lisa?
    Exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris (France).
  6. The most famous river in France is:
    The Loire.
  7. The most famous river in England is:
    River Trent.
  8. The most famous river in Germany is:
    River Rhine.
  9. The height of the Eiffel Tower is:
    300 meters, later extended with an antenna to 324m.
  10. The home of the Indians is called…
    This question is incomplete and potentially offensive. Native American dwellings vary greatly by tribe and region.
  11. What date did man reach the moon, and who was the first to land on the moon?
    Commander Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the surface of our satellite on July 20, 1969.
  12. Who composed The Four Seasons?
    Antonio Vivaldi.
  13. Nationality of Johann Christian Bach:
  14. Who wrote “In Praise of the Stepmother”?
    Mario Vargas Llosa.
  15. What is the capital of Madagascar?
  16. Beirut is the capital of:
  17. In what year was the work “The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha” published?
    Published in 1605.
  18. Who was the Egyptian Pharaoh who dressed as a man, wore a fake beard, and ruled in the fifteenth century BC?
  19. Mention 3 works by Albert Camus (also, his nationality is…)
    French Nationality.
    Works: The Wedding, The Stranger, The Plague.
  20. Who was Antonio Gaudí, and where was he born?
    Gaudí was born in Catalonia, Spain (not France) and was an architect with an innate sense of geometry and volume, and a great imaginative capacity that allowed him to project most of his works mentally before passing them to drawings.
  21. Name five works of Michelangelo:
    Entombment, Doni Tondo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgement, Pauline Chapel.
  22. Name five works of Leonardo Da Vinci:
    Mona Lisa, The Virgin of the Rocks, The Last Supper, Saint John the Baptist, Annunciation.
  23. A hygrometer is used to measure:
    Instrument used to determine atmospheric humidity.
  24. The ages of history and their years are:
    Ancient Age, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Contemporary Age. (Specific years are debated and vary by region).
  25. What made World War I start? And what motivated the German belligerent actions in World War II?
    This is a complex question. World War I started due to a complex web of alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism, sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. German actions in World War II were motivated by expansionist ideology, racial theories, and a desire to overturn the Treaty of Versailles.
  26. The additive colors are: R (Red), G (Green), B (Blue).
  27. The subtractive colors are: C (Cyan), M (Magenta), Y (Yellow), K (Black).