Unleash Your Potential: Mastering Self-Motivation
Welcome to the Elite Action Taker Academy
Welcome! I’m Jason Capital, and this is our first discussion inside the Elite Action Taker Academy. You are an elite action taker, not just a regular action taker, which means, of course, you succeed. You’re high status. You’re a badass. You deserve everything that you want in this world, and you do not confuse activity with achievement.
A lot of people can take action. Not a lot of people take the right action and then succeed with it, which is, of course, what me and you do. And we do it by following a lot of the stuff we talk about here inside these discussions here in the Elite Action Taker Academy.
Always Being Self-Motivated
Our very first topic is called On Always Being Self-Motivated. What you’re going to learn about today is how to always derive your motivation from within, not from without.
There’s a very, very old saying I first learned from one of my mentors, Osho: If you are deriving your motivation for whatever it is you’re doing from things that are not from within… If you’re not driving it from within, then you must be deriving it from without, from things outside of yourself.
Anything that you’re deriving from without is without. It doesn’t have anything there. It’s not real. It’s not lasting. It’s going to run dry very, very soon, but fortunately, when you are deriving your motivation from within, that shit never runs out. The more motivation you derive from within, the more your body recovers and gives you back even more. It adapts to motivate you even more. We’ll talk about that in a little bit, but first…
Three Reasons for Self-Motivation
There are three major reasons why I consider self-motivation so much more important than external motivation. If someone were to ask, “Hey, Jason. Can you make a list of a thousand reasons why being self-motivated is important?” I just might be able to do it.
I might even come up with 10,000 reasons why, but obviously, we as Elite Action Takers don’t really care about all the possible reasons why, which could be used to distract from the purpose. We just want to get the shit that matters; the highest leverage point.
The Main Reasons
Here are the three main reasons why being self-motivated is most important.
- If I were to ask you what’s the real reason that you haven’t achieved everything that you’ve set out to in life yet, I could probably get a laundry list of reasons from you, right? I could get tons of reasons from you. Oh, this happened. This happened. I didn’t do this. I didn’t… Whatever it was. Okay? And if I asked a normal person, then they’re gonna obviously blame it on things outside of themselves.
- But if we get down to the truth of the matter, the real reason that you didn’t achieve whatever it was you set out to before you fucking decided to step up and join Team Capital, before you decided to roll with Jason Capital, had to do with a lack of self-motivation.
Key quote: It is at the point at which you would rather succeed than sleep that you will be successful.
When you would rather fucking succeed completely than go to sleep, you will succeed because we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Donald Trump has the same motherfucking 24 hours as that dude who works in McDonalds.
They all have the same 24 hours, but how Donald uses his 24 hours are far different than the other guy. The other guy just wants to get done with work. He is waiting until his fucking shift ends so he can go home and do what? Nothing. He will go home and he will do nothing.
He will not read a book. He will not give value to the world. He will not create. He will not innovate. He will consume. He’ll watch TV. He’ll watch boring YouTube videos. He’ll consume shit food that doesn’t help him or feed his spirit or feed his body the right nutrients or his brain the right amino acids and chemicals it needs.
He will consume marijuana. He might take other drugs. He will consume.
Donald Trump isn’t waiting for any time to end at any point because it’s irrelevant.